Chapter 11: Stealth

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A couple of weeks had passed. Nothing had changed. I was upset every day, and I had nightmares every night. There hadn't been one night yet where my dad hadn't run upstairs to help me. Dad had started to become really worried about me. I had even seen him talking with Yellow over the phone about what to do.

The phone rang. I heard Dad tap the counter from the kitchen.

"Lapis," he said. "Can you get that?"

"Sure," I replied.

I walked to the phone and answered it. I heard a familiar voice.

"Lapis?" The voice asked.

I gasped quietly. "Peridot!" I hissed. "What are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you," Peridot answered.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"I need you to come to the house tonight," Peridot said.

"You want me to sneak out?" I whispered.

"Yeah," Peridot answered. "I wanna see how the baby's doing. Plus, I've heard how you've been from my mom, and I'm worried about you."

"You're gonna get us in trouble again!" I cried.

"I got the rest of the werewolves on board," Peridot said. "Please trust me."

"Okay," I whispered. "You won't do this again, right?"

"I promise," Peridot said. "Only tonight. That's it."

"...I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," Peridot replied.

I hung up. I walked back to the couch and sighed. How was I going to do this?

"Who was that?" Dad asked.

"Some person trying to sell us some product," I answered. "Nothing important."

"Ah," Dad said.

I looked up at the ceiling. I was nervous. I had no idea how I was going to sneak out. Dad was going to check on me too. I had to come up with a plan. I remembered seeing that my alarm clock said one when I woke up once. I would have to either go after that or return before then. I figured it would be safer to go after. I didn't know how late Dad would be up, but I knew that he would be fast asleep after. It was the perfect plan.

I had another vivid dream. This time, it wasn't a nightmare. It was just Peridot and I and nothing more. I woke up when my alarm clock hit one. There was no way I could get away without my routine from the past few nights. I took a deep breath and screamed at the top of my lungs. Just as I had hoped, Dad ran upstairs into the room. I made myself start to cry by thinking about my dreams from the nights before and how they worried me.

"Lapis!" Dad cried.

He threw his arms around me and tried to comfort me. I closed my eyes and smiled. After a few minutes, I calmed down, and I told him I was okay. He walked away, leaving me alone. When I was sure that he had gone downstairs, I got up and walked to the bedroom door. I opened it as quietly as I could. I began to sneak downstairs. I tiptoed outside into the driveway. I gasped. How was I going to get into the car without making noise? I walked back inside and into the kitchen. There was my phone on the counter. I picked it up and tiptoed outside. Then I dialed Peridot's number and listened.

"Lapis?" Peridot said.

"Hey," I whispered. "I'm outside. Can you pick me up? I think if I start the car, it will make too much noise."

"Sure," Peridot replied. "Do you think you could handle some wind in your face?"

"I'm gonna have to," I answered.

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