Chapter 12: Health

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I gasped. I was looking in the mirror while I was getting dressed. She was starting to show. Just barely. It would be easily covered by a shirt, but she was just beginning to show. It was the middle of March now. A month had passed since Peridot and I had gotten grounded. It had been miserable. The only thing giving me hope was just talking to the baby every day. She couldn't hear me, but it made me happy to know that she was there. Other than that, it was miserable. I was still having morning sickness, the nightmares continued, and I was barely getting any sleep. Dad was starting to get tired of my cravings too. Peridot was the only person I knew that would willingly make me spaghetti at midnight.

I walked downstairs when I was dressed and took a seat at the table. Dad looked at me and frowned.

"Have you gotten any sleep at all?" He asked.

"No," I answered.

"Those rings under your eyes are dark," Dad said. "What am I gonna do with you?"

"I don't know," I responded, rubbing my eyes.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Dad asked.

"Can I just have some cereal?" I responded.

"Of course," Dad answered.

I laid my head on the table. I was exhausted. All I wanted was a full night of sleep, which I hadn't gotten in a month. I nearly fell asleep right there on the table, but Dad woke me back up.

"Geez," he said. "Are you sure I should send you to school today?"

"I'm sure," I replied.

"Are you really sure?" Dad asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Okay," Dad said. "If that's what you want."

When I was done eating breakfast, I stumbled outside. I really was exhausted. I got into the car and lay back on my seat. I had a raging headache. Dad got into the driver's seat and started the car. Then he drove me to school.

"Are you really sure about this?" Dad asked as I got out of the car.

"I'm sure," I answered. "I'll be fine."

I walked into school, dazed. I began to walk to class, but I felt so weak. I couldn't go to class. I felt too sick. I walked to the bathroom and sat in the corner. I was too sick to go. I couldn't go. I wouldn't.

I didn't leave. I stayed in the bathroom, occasionally getting up to throw up, and immediately sitting back down. I laid my hands on my stomach and growled.

"Baby," I whispered. "You're killing me..."

I closed my eyes and tried to rest. I fell asleep immediately. I didn't have any dreams. I just slept. Eventually, I woke up. There was noise from outside. I sighed. Changing classes. I heard the bathroom door swing open.

Uh oh.

I cringed back into the corner. Anyone coming in would still see me, but it was still worth a shot. I couldn't be seen in here, or I would be accused of skipping class. I saw a foot step down in front of me. On it was a shoe I could recognize anywhere. The one that Peridot had let me draw on one day. I smiled.

"Lapis?" Peridot asked, kneeling down. "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm too sick to go to class," I answered.

"You need to go home," Peridot said.

"I-I wanted to see you," I replied.

"Lapis," Peridot whispered, kissing my forehead. "You need to care for your health, honey. I know you want to see me, and I want to see you too, but you need to take care of yourself."

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