Chapter 16: Noticed

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I was hunched over the toilet at school that morning. I felt so sick. Peridot was kneeling next to me with her hand on my back as everything I had eaten that morning came back out. Now I was feeling sick and hungry. I couldn't help blubbering. I was in so much pain. Peridot let me rest with her so I would feel better. The teachers had been told about our situation, and they understood when we wouldn't show up for a bit.

"How can you stand this?" I asked as Peridot helped me clean my face with a damp towel. "It's disgusting."

"One of the vows we're going to have to take in our marriage is 'in sickness and in health,'" Peridot answered. "Might as well start now." She wiped a stray tear away from my eye.

"How many days of school are left until we graduate?" I asked.

"Ten," Peridot answered.

"Ugh," I growled. "That's so long."

"Not really," Peridot replied.

"It is when you have to deal with this every morning," I said. "Am I gonna have to deal with this every day?"

"I think it stops at some point," Peridot responded. "You're just gonna have to hold on until then."

"I think I'm gonna throw up again," I said.

"Go ahead," Peridot replied. "That's why we're here."

I leaned over the toilet once again. The thing I hated most is that I had decided that it was worse than Jasper. I hated Jasper. I had ranted about her before. She was a creep. At least Topaz had a bit more potential to actually be on our side if she could figure out that she was being lied to. I wondered where she was then. She hadn't died in the battle.

I threw up. Peridot immediately got another paper towel and helped me clean my face again.

"I'm dying," I said.

"I don't think so," Peridot replied.

"Tell me how this baby is not trying to kill me," I said.

"It's not her fault," Peridot responded. "Well, it kind of is, but she's not doing it on purpose. She can't control that. I bet she loves you so much."

"I'd like to see some of this love," I said. "...but I love her too, I admit. This is just so hard to handle."

"I know," Peridot responded. "You'll make it though. I know you will."

"Maybe," I said.

I looked over at Peridot. She had a gorgeous smile on her face that made my face flush. Her eyes seemed to smolder in the shade of bathroom stall. They were greener than the trees outside. Vampires were certainly attractive. I had seen them myself. Topaz, though I hadn't said it often, was a very beautiful person herself. Every vampire I had seen had managed to send me into wonder. They were all so jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Even Gold, who was just a kid, was beautiful. None of that compared to the way I saw Peridot. She could dazzle me in ways no vampire could. I didn't even realize I was staring at her until the nausea kicked back in, and I was throwing up again. Peridot placed her hand on my back once more, wanting nothing more than to comfort me. I was starving. I laid my head on Peridot's chest. I was in so much pain. All I wanted was relief and comfort. I cried into her chest. The pain was terribly much for me.

"It's okay, it's okay," Peridot whispered. "I'm here. I'm not leaving."

"I-I know," I replied.

"What's wrong?" Peridot asked.

"It hurts," I answered. "It hurts so much."

"I'm so sorry," Peridot whispered, kissing my head.

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