Chapter 10: Apart

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I had that same baby in my arms again. She was still just as beautiful. Peridot was with us this time. She was smiling. She was happy. I was in a white dress, and she was in a black tuxedo. She looked gorgeous. Suddenly, that darkness appeared again. It ripped Peridot away from me. I gasped.

"Peridot!" I cried.

Then the darkness tore the little baby from my arms. I heard her screams as she was engulfed.


I woke myself up, screaming. I heard footsteps pounding up the stairs. The door flew open, and there was my dad.

"Lapis!" He shouted.

I immediately began to cry. Dad rushed to my side and wrapped his arms around me to calm me down. I cried into his chest. I was so scared.

"It's okay, Lapis," he said quietly. "You're alright. Daddy's here."

"D-Dad," I whispered.

"Yes?" Dad asked.

"I don't wanna go back to sleep," I said.

"Honey," Dad whispered. "You have to. I know you've been having a hard time these last few days, and I've stayed to help you, but I can't do that today. You have school."

"I don't wanna go," I responded. "I don't wanna go."

"Then what do you want?" Dad asked.

I sniffled. "I want Peridot!" I cried.

"You're not getting Peridot," Dad replied. "You know what you did. You have to be disciplined."

"Being pregnant is discipline enough!" I shouted.

"You have to understand that it's not just that you're pregnant," Dad said. "I've lost my trust in you. Yellow has lost her trust in Peridot. We're afraid that if we let you see each other, you're just going to go behind our backs again."

"I-I learned my lesson," I responded. "I learned the hard way!"

Dad kissed my forehead and sighed. "You need to get back to bed," he said.

"B-but," I whined.

"We'll talk in the morning, okay?" Dad replied. "I know you miss Peridot, but you know that I can't do anything about that at the moment, nor is this a good time to discuss that."

"I-I'll see her again, right?" I asked.

"At school," Dad said. "There will be no sneaking off, got it?"

I nodded. "G-got it," I answered.

"Get some sleep," Dad said. "Call me if you need anything. I'll be here."

"O-okay," I replied.

I lay down and let Dad tuck me in. He kissed my forehead, smiling. I smiled back. Then he ruffled my hair. That made me giggle. Dad walked away, clearly tired, and opened the door slowly.

"And Lapis?" He stopped.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"...I love you, kid," Dad said.

"I love you too," I replied.

Dad closed the door and walked back downstairs to his room. I rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. Nothing I tried worked. Peridot was on my mind. I began to cry quietly. Even that didn't make me any more tired. That only led me to think about the dream I had. Peridot. That poor baby. Where were they taken? What happened to the baby? She was crying when she was takeaway. Was something going to happen to Peridot's and my baby? That thought only led me to cry even more. I didn't want to have to go through all of this, loving our baby so much, and then have to watch her die. I wanted to be able to raise her with Peridot. I wanted her to live an amazing life. One I couldn't give to her right now. I wanted Peridot. I needed her. I finally managed to cry so much that I tired myself out and fell asleep hugging my pillow.

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