Chapter 36: Two

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Peridot remained by my side the entire walk home, even when we were inside. She kept one arm wrapped protectively around my waist and the other keeping distance between her and Topaz.

"Peridot, it's okay," I said.

"She tried to kill you," Peridot hissed. "This is the opposite of okay!"

"Peridot, listen," I said, taking her hands in mine. "...please...just for me on this. I can feel it. She's changed. She's really changed!"

Peridot studied my face for a moment, her green eyes darting around to examine every inch. Ultimately, she sighed, laying my hand on her cheek and leaning against it.

"Alright," she said. "I'll try. I'm not stopping my strict supervision, though."

I smiled. "I can handle that," I responded.

When we reached the living room, Peridot very carefully took Turquoise from Topaz. She cooed to the little baby until she was happily reaching toward her face. Peridot leaned in, letting Turquoise lay her hand on her face.

"I feel terrible," Topaz said in a voice like honey.

"'s okay," I replied. " didn't know. It's not your fault."

"But it is!" Topaz cried. "I did this all because I believed a lie...I knew I shouldn't have followed her that day..."

"It's fine," I said. "Everything's fine now."

"Peridot hates me," Topaz responded. "And rightly so...she's right...I did try to kill you...I never realized how intimate the bond between you two was...if I had killed you, I practically would have taken half of her away!"

I went silent for a moment, thinking about what she had said. She was right. If I were gone, Peridot was going to struggle with just being alive. Our relationship as imprints had blossomed to romance. With the imprint, it wasn't something we could just let go of.

"...but you didn't," I said.

"I didn't because I never got the chance," Topaz responded. "I would have."

"I'm still here," I said. "Everything is okay now."

Topaz shook her head as Turquoise began to cry. Quickly, I looked at the window. The sky was orange. It was dinner time. I took Turquoise from Peridot and sat down on the couch to feed her. Peridot helped me cover myself up with a blanket beforehand, then she ran off to make us some dinner of our own. I felt Topaz watching me curiously. Who knows how long it had been since she had seen a human—or near human—baby.

Peridot walked back into the living room with plates of food. Topaz tried to follow her, only for Peridot to snarl at her. I felt angry as I took my first bite of my dinner. I hated how much she distrusted Topaz. She was just trying to help us, and Peridot looked like she was never going to let go of what she had done. When Peridot finished her food, she ran off with Turquoise to get her ready for bed, saying that she just wanted to help me. Obviously, she really wanted to get away from Topaz. I knew that she liked helping me anyway.

"...why?" I asked.

"Huh?" Topaz responded.

"...why...Turquoise?" I asked. "How did you know about her?!"

Topaz sighed. "It was recently," she admitted. "I felt that I had gotten enough control of myself that I could be near you without immediately wanting your blood. I was eavesdropping, looking out for a perfect opportunity. Then I overheard about your condition. The perfect opportunity came."

" you like babies?" I asked.

"I love them," Topaz answered. "I've always wanted one of my own, but...since I was transformed into a vampire, I've lost my's impossible for me to have a baby now. I guess I figured...your daughter can be like the daughter I'll never have." Her expression softened. "Of course, she'd still be your daughter. I'm just said nanny, didn't you?"

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