Chapter 31: Turquoise

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It felt like I was being stabbed. Actually stabbed. My stomach was absolutely killing me. Peridot had informed me—very loudly informed me—that I was going into labor. The baby was coming. It hurt. It hurt so badly. My face was wet with tears, and I felt like I could barely breathe. I was holding onto Peridot as she rushed me into her mother's bedroom and placed me down on the bed. I quickly turned and held her hand. I never wanted to let go. It hurt too much. I couldn't stop myself from crying. Peridot's eyes were piercing through me, filled with worry.

"Lay flat. Lay flat and keep your legs apart," she ordered. "You can do this."

I nodded in reply. I knew that. I bit my lip as the pain began to pierce me again. It hurt so much. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yellow run in with a bag. She placed it on the bed and took a box out of it.

"Bismuth, Smoky, Royal Blue. All three of you, take a pair and put them on as fast as you can!" Yellow exclaimed.

I saw the three other werewolves that were in the room with us pulling latex gloves out of the box. They each put their gloves on and went to their respective spots by the bed. The pain felt even worse now. It felt like I was having period cramps, but they were one thousand times worse. I screamed. It was way too much. Peridot yanked my hand closer to her face, mumbling things I couldn't hear.

"Okay. We have to get started," Yellow said to the wolves. "The baby isn't going to do all of this herself."

Yellow reached towards me. I realized exactly what she was about to do. I grunted as I leaned back. Never did I ask for something that deep inside. When I could no longer feel that, I looked over at Peridot. I felt so scared. She was staring at me, just as terrified. I squeezed her hand as the stabbing pain returned once more.

"You can do this," Peridot whispered to me. "I know you can."

I nodded again, sighing. It came out shakily from my weakness. Peridot squeezed my hand. I saw her look up towards Yellow, then back at me.

"Push," she said.

It was starting.

I closed my eyes and tried as best as I could to make some progress. I grunted as I did. My face was becoming hot. Really hot. This was so much harder than I wanted it to be.

"Again," Peridot whispered.

I did it again. It was just as painful. I kept squeezing Peridot's hand with every pierce of pain. Peridot continued telling me when to push and when to take a break. I didn't even realize when an hour had gone by. It had taken so long.

"One more time! Just one more!" I heard Yellow exclaim.

That time, I didn't need Peridot to tell me to push. I did it myself with all of the strength I had left. I screamed from everything I was doing. I saw Peridot look up, and the sound of crying filled the room. My baby was there. She was here. I felt the wolves finishing up. Then I saw them walking away with Yellow. The crying faded into the living room. They had the baby. I fell into Peridot's arms from how weak I was. She gladly wrapped her arms around my and buried her nose in my hair, kissing my head.

"You did it," she whispered. "You did it." I saw her crooked smile. "I'm so proud of you."

I was too weak to respond. Instead, I continued trying to slow my breathing, and I laid my head on her chest. She didn't mind. She kept me close as she had before.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise," she said. "I'm staying right here."

I looked up at her. Her head seemed to be in multiple places before was able to focus in on where it was. I gathered all of my energy to speak.

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