Chapter 24: Control

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I couldn't move. I could only look around.

There was a blinding light hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the small room I was in. My glasses only made it that much worse. I tried to move my hands, but I couldn't. I could feel the scratching against my skin. Rope. I was trapped here. I noticed the red eyes in the darkness, staring at me. I blinked.

"Vampire?" I whispered.

Topaz stepped out from the darkness. She hadn't changed. She stepped toward the table in the middle of the room. Suddenly, I noticed what was on the table. Lapis was there, unmoving. I nearly screamed. I was squirming, anxious to escape and save her.

"Calm, you fool," Topaz taunted. "She's alive."

She was right. The flush of blood was still there in her cheeks.

Then Topaz's companion was revealed. Jasper.

But we killed her! I know we did!

Her eyes were as dark as a jet stone. She was hungry. Very hungry. She stepped toward Lapis, playing with her hair, only causing me to feel even more angry.

"Come on," Jasper purred, twirling a strand of Lapis's hair. "It's almost time."

"...for what?" I asked quietly.

Jasper turned to me, looking me straight in the eyes. She grinned the evilest grin I'd ever seen. I felt a sense of terror in my gut. What was happening? Lapis woke up and looked over at Jasper. I could see fear in her eyes as she did. Her gaze moved from Jasper to me. She was scared. Very scared.

"Are you ready?" Jasper asked, leaning towards Lapis.

Lapis was still looking at me. She mouthed something to me. I could barely make out the word "Peridot."

She wanted me.

Suddenly, she threw herself flat onto the table and let out an ear-piercing screech. Everything started to move very fast. I forced myself onto my feet, only to fall over again. Jasper laughed a very throaty laugh and grinned at me as Lapis screamed. Then there was blood. Blood everywhere. I looked down at my hands. They were covered in it. I looked up.


Lapis was still on the table, laying flat as before, covered in blood like the rest of us. Her stomach looked as if it had been mauled by an animal. I felt a tear fall down my face then as I looked at her face. The flush of blood was gone. She was dead.

Not her.

I could only let out a sniffle.

Not her!

I sat up, breathing hard and gripping the sheets. My face was wet with tears. I had been crying, indeed. I immediately looked to my left. Lapis was there, fast asleep. Her body moved steadily up and down with the rhythm of her breathing. She was okay. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to my chest. I buried my nose in her hair, inhaling her floral scent. I continued my crying. She was okay. She was here in my arms. She was okay.

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night, as expected. When Lapis awoke that morning, she was still in my arms. She looked up at me with a curious expression as I kissed her cheek.

"What are you doing?" She asked mid-yawn. "Did you sleep at all?"

"For a couple of hours," I answered.

"Peridot," Lapis scolded, laying her head on my chest again.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, kissing her head. "I had a nightmare, and I couldn't get back to bed."

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