Chapter 44: Houdini

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"I hate that this is coming to this."

Words like that do not exactly boost one's confidence.

"We have one objective right now," Peridot continued, meeting my gaze. "Get them away from the house. And there's only one way to get them to move."

I stared at her, awaiting her solution to the problem. Turquoise was getting antsy again and was moved to Topaz's arms, where she became slightly calmer.

"We have to use you," Peridot said, slowly approaching me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"They're after you," Peridot answered. "Which means they'll follow you. Which means we have to use you as bait."

I turned around, noticing the disapproving look in my father's eyes. The last thing he wanted was for me to have to be used as bait.

"I really don't want to have to use this plan, but it's the safest option," Peridot explained her reasoning. "I'll do the running since I'm the fastest. I'll go slow enough to keep them on my trail but fast enough to not let them catch up. The rest of you, flank me from behind and make sure they don't catch up."

I nodded as I listened to her plan. The others were listening intently. Especially Topaz. She was listening the most.

"When we get far enough from the house, Agate, I need you to take Lapis from me," Peridot ordered. "But make it really quick. They can't know you have her." She turned to the other wolves. "The rest of you, when Agate is taking Lapis, make a diversion. Run in front us so they don't see." She looked towards Smoky and her little sister. "Pink, go with them. They're going to need more than one guard."

"What about our baby?" I asked.

"She needs to stay with your dad," Peridot answered. "When you, Agate, and Pink get back to the house, get both your dad and Turquoise and get in the car. When you're in, go straight to my mom's house. She'll be happy to help you."

"Of course she will," I said.

I noticed how Peridot seemed completely focused. There wasn't much human in her at that moment except for what we saw on the outside. She was like a wolf. The alpha wolf. Her only desire was to protect her pack. Her mate. Their cub.

Topaz walked up to us then. Turquoise started to become excited when she saw Peridot and I, which finally got through her. Her mood softened, and she took one of her baby's hands.

"I love you," she cooed. "I'm gonna be back for you soon, and you, Mommy, and I are gonna have a great time together. Okay?"

Turquoise silently listened to her mother, seeming to try to smile the whole time. Peridot pressed one kiss against her forehead before turning to me.

"I love you," she whispered. "Everything's gonna be okay."

I wrapped my arms around her, and she wrapped hers around me. After a quick but passionate kiss, everything turned to one thing: getting out of here. Topaz gave the baby to Dad, who protectively held her close. Peridot picked me up and cradled me as if I was our baby. I wrapped my arms around her neck, ready for the speed.

"We have three seconds," she said. "Close your eyes."

So I did.

I could feel the cold early December winds blowing against me as Peridot ran through the forest. Winter was coming soon, I could feel it. Peridot didn't stop running even with the cold. It probably felt fine to her. She was warm, after all. I heard Peridot panting, clearly nervous about the oncoming threat. All four vampires must have been behind us, but I didn't hear a thing.

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