Chapter 18: Excitement

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"This is not fair," Peridot whined. "Just because I'm sort of a dog—which, by the way, I am not—does not mean you can give me the job of sealing these envelopes!"

"Would you rather be writing the addresses?" Yellow asked.

"I can write faster than all of you," Peridot growled.

Yellow passed her another letter. "And you can also lick faster than all of us," she said.

"I can prove that," I replied.

"Lapis!" Peridot cried, red faced.

I laughed. She could just be too cute sometimes.

"Just hand me the dang letters," Peridot growled.

"You don't need to be angry," I said. "You know I was just joking with you."

"I know," Peridot responded through her teeth. "I'm just kind of embarrassed."

I kissed her forehead. She sighed in response.

"We can trade if you'd like," I said. "If it will make you happy."

"No," Peridot replied. "It's fine. If I can lick the fastest, and it's Lapis-approved, then I'll seal these letters."

"Why do you always turn these things around like that?" I asked, pushing my hair away from my face.

"Because I can't be a grump all the time," Peridot answered. "And I promised that I'd be less short-tempered."

"You promised that more than a year ago," I said. "And you still remember?"

"It's rare for me to forget," Peridot answered.

"I think I've figured that out from experience," I said.

"Get over here," Peridot replied.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, looking up from my writing.

"No," Peridot answered. "I just want to kiss that face of yours."

I giggled a little and leaned over towards Peridot so she could reach me. She leaned in and pecked my lips before going write back to sealing letters.

"You taste like envelope glue," I said.

"You taste like two atoms of oxygen," Peridot replied. "And I guess some nitrogen. That stuff does take up the majority of our air."

"Someone paid attention in meteorology," I said.

"She used to spend her nights reading up on that type of stuff," Yellow responded. "She's smarter than she gives herself credit for."

"I guess," Peridot said. "Though I guess I can tell you a lot about atoms."

"She can tell you a lot more about things other than atoms," Yellow added, leaning towards me.

"That's not on the top of my list at the moment," Peridot said. "I'd just like to finish sealing these letters."

I looked down at the envelopes. There were only ten or so left. If Yellow hadn't insisted on inviting everyone to Peridot's and my wedding, we wouldn't have had so many. The finished stack next to Peridot looked like it had forty of them. I felt bad for her. That really was a lot of letters, but even I didn't expect to get away without Yellow making this much bigger than we expected.

"Oh," Yellow said. "We have one letter left and no more cards. I guess we should just throw this one away."

Peridot nodded in agreement. Suddenly, my mind was scrambling. Only one thing was on my mind.

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