Chapter 53: Amplified

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I placed the baby in Yellow's arms, but I felt like I couldn't leave yet. This was it. This whole battle would write the story of our future. I kissed Turquoise's head one last time before I knew I would have to leave. Lily's eyes were beckoning me with betrayal. Topaz's even more with fury and love. Peridot's with a distant peace waiting to be uncovered. I ran to her and let myself become wrapped in her arms. Her warmth engulfed me. I couldn't keep back a sigh.

"You'll be okay with the other wolves, won't you?" Peridot asked, kissing my forehead.

"I'll be fine," I responded. "You go and do what you need to do. I can handle it."

"Good," Peridot said. "We're so close. So close to winning this."

She ran her fingers through my hair and held my head close to her chest. I didn't want to be pulled away from her warmth and soothing touch, but I knew that time was coming soon.

"Don't be afraid to use everything you need," Peridot said. "If we're really going to win this, we're going to have to work as hard as we can to get there. Who knows what kind of power it's going to take from all of us."

Finally, they walked out of the house. The pain of anxiety bubbled up in my stomach. This entire battle would determine the path of our future. We would either be safely living with the baby, or we would be gone. I reached for Turquoise's hand and felt her tight grip around my finger. If I were to try to pull away, she wouldn't let go.

"I have to go," I whispered, walking up to the baby. "I promise I'll be back...soon."

I saw the werewolves walk past, and I knew that was my cue. Now I had to leave. I pulled my hand away from Turquoise, much to my displeasure, and I walked away. That anxiety was bubbling up into my throat in the form of a potently disgusting taste.

We walked outside, and the cold air hit me like a train. I was shivering nearly immediately. The wolves were walking around patrolling the area. I sat down in the brightest spot I could find and waited. I saw Peridot on the border between the beach and the forest, looking up at the trees like she was ready to climb them.

"...we need to bring the fight outward," she said suddenly. "We shouldn't keep it on the beach. That's just asking for damage."

I was quickly and easily swept up by Bismuth, who ran me all the way into the forest with everyone else. I only felt the need to hold on so tightly because I couldn't get my legs wrapped all the way around her waist.

"...when will they get here?" Pink asked innocently, walking up to Peridot when we had all stopped.

"They're not going to come unti the weather's perfect for them to move," she answered. "When the weather cooperates, we all need to be on guard. Lapis, it might be safe for you to pull out your shield now."

I closed my eyes and began to concentrate on my power. The shield spread out past trees. I could feel as it passed through and around people. I knew it had passed Peridot when I felt a temporary warmth. Lily made me see light for a second. Topaz gave me some sort of electric jolt that wasn't all that comfortable. Royal Blue showed me a flash of the image of a thunderstorm. Almost immediately after, I heard the crack of thunder rumble past us. The weather was cooperating.

"On guard," Peridot commanded. I kept the shield wrapped tightly around her.

Everyone was beginning to back into one area. A circle. Bismuth placed me down and stopped moving. I watched as everyone else gathered around me. A circle to protect me. I gave my shield a little room away from the wolves, but part of it was still stretched out tightly around Peridot, the only one who had not moved. Her eyes were darting around in her sockets, just waiting for one vampire to peek out from behind the trees. She was waiting like a jaguar waiting to pounce on its prey.

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