Chapter 50: Shield

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A week or so passed, and we were still being bugged by vampires. Now, it was more irritating that it was worrying. It had gotten to the point where I would go off and do my own thing, not even caring that one of the vampires was watching me. Peridot had warned me saying that I really shouldn't do that, as they weren't jut watching me, but they were studying me. I followed her advice for a little bit, but, eventually, it seemed unnecessary.

This time, I was on the floor playing with Turquoise. Peridot picked up a toy that she had managed to fling across the room—and almost scared me to the death—and handed it back to her, smiling that wonderful smile of hers.

"I think you dropped this, baby," she cooed to Turquoise, who latched onto the toy the moment it was within her reach.

"...are they gonna leave anytime soon?" I asked.

"Not sure," Peridot answered. "Depends on what they wanna do. I wanna get out there and fight them, but I'm scared to even open the door."

"I'm sure we'll be okay," I said, watching Turquoise play with her toy. "I mean, if you're only opening it for a second, it should be fine."

"I wouldn't speak so soon," Peridot replied. "They're smarter than they seem. Especially blue hair over there. She's especially smart. That's why I'm so worried about even opening the door."

Turquoise handed her toy to me as Peridot ran off. I looked at the toy, then at Topaz, who seemed to be staring blankly at an empty window. The gray from outside, which was currently our only light, desaturated her hair color.

"...what are you looking at?" I asked quietly.

"...I'm not really looking," Topaz answered. "Just...thinking."

"About what?" I asked.

"...Jasper," Topaz hesitantly admitted. "I mean...even after I realized everything I was doing was wrong...I never really got over her...I guess I...miss her."

"...I don't blame you," I whispered. "...imagine if that type of thing were to happen between Peridot and I. Would I miss her?"

"You'd probably kill yourself before you could even miss her," Topaz answered. "So, yes. A lot."

"Exactly," I said.

"...jerk or not, I miss her," Topaz responded. "I wish I could bring her back...and teach her right from wrong."

"...but she's only ashes now," I murmured.

If Topaz was still human, I swore I would have seen a tear fall down her cheek. "Yes," she agreed. "Only ashes now."

The rain began to pound harder against the house, and it was irritating Turquoise. She began to cry and didn't stop until she was in my arms. I held her close and hummed a tune to her. I needed her to fall asleep now. She didn't need to be so scared.

"I have no idea what's going on," Peridot said, walking back into the room. "It's like they're playing a game of whack-a-mole or something. I go to one window, and the vampire goes to another, and so on."

"They're taunting you," Topaz replied. "Just keep being their distraction."

Peridot gave Turquoise one kiss on her cheek, and then she ran off once again. I carried Turquoise to the bedroom and laid her in her crib. Then I covered her in her little quilt and watched as her eyes closed, and she fell asleep. I sighed in relaxation. Finally, she was resting, and I could go back to the living room. I walked back to see that Topaz was no longer at her empty window. I saw a glimpse of her walking around the corner with something similar to a glare on her face. She was back to being angry again.

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