Chapter 48: Awake

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The blackness started to fade. Blurred light returned to me. The first things I heard were a sharp beeping and some string of words that I couldn't make out. As my vision became less blurry, I noticed the outline of Peridot's blonde hair. I felt her warm hand grab mine and squeeze it. Finally, I could hear properly.

"Lapis!" I finally heard it clearly. "A-are you waking up?"

"...P-Peri," I forced the word out.

Peridot leaned in and kissed my cheek. I could see her smile out of the corner of my eye. My vision finally cleared up. She was smiling ear to ear. Along with finally seeing her clearly, I could finally make out where I was. I was in a hospital room. The sharp beeping was coming from a heart monitor. There was an IV in my arm. I gasped.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"A couple of days," Peridot answered, brushing my hair back with my fingers.

"...a-a couple of days?" I repeated.

"You got hurt really badly," Peridot said. "You needed it to recover."

"What did the doctors do?" I asked. "And what am I dealing with?"

"Well, you had to get two blood transfusions to make up for all the blood that you lost from Topaz trying to save you," Peridot answered. "Along with that, you got a concussion from hitting that pillar."

"But I'll be okay?" I asked.

"You're gonna be a-okay." Peridot leaned in and kissed my cheek again.

" happened?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Peridot responded.

"...the vampires," I answered.

"Oh," Peridot said. "...they got away from us. Almost got Serpentine though."

"I think she wanted my wedding ring." I giggled.

"I bet she did," Peridot replied, smiling her sweet, crooked smile. "Sounds just like her."

For the first time since before I went unconscious, Peridot leaned in and kissed me right on my lips. It felt as amazing as it had felt when it was our first time.

"I've missed you." Peridot wrapped her arms around me. "I've never worried like I worried then. They just rushed you in here...I had no idea what was going to happen to you. Then I came in here and your heart was beating, and they said you would be okay...but you were asleep. So I sat and waited with you. I've really missed you."

" haven't left this room since you were allowed in, have you?" I asked.

"Nope," Peridot answered. "I've been here, awake, the entire two days."

Now it was my turn to wrap my arms around her much more weakly. "Get some rest," I said. "You need it."

"Not for a little bit," Peridot responded. "I want to spend your first moments being awake again with you."

I leaned back against the bed again, as sitting up was exhausting. Peridot drew circles on my cheek with her thumb. Suddenly, I was sent into tears.

"I-I almost died!" I cried. "I-I was going to lose you...I was going to lose everyone!" I sobbed, and Peridot caressed my cheek with her hand.

"It's okay," she said. "You lived. You pulled through." She kissed my cheek and spoke those unbelievable words. "You're my strong girl."

"...everyone," I whispered as she pulled away. "My baby! T-Turquoise!"

"Yes," Peridot replied. "She's here. Topaz is waiting with her in the lobby."

"Get them!" I shouted. "I have to see my baby."

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