Chapter 40: Stress

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"Peri, it's okay." I was caressing Peridot's cheek with the back of my hand. "They had an unfair advantage. It's not your fault."

"We were supposed to beat them," Peridot replied weakly. "We...failed..."

"You're not going to win every time," I said. " just need to keep trying." I kissed her cheek. "But for now, you need to rest."

"Not with those vampires around," Peridot hissed.

"Yes with those vampires around," I responded. "You're resting."

"...fine," Peridot said. "But only because I love you."

I smiled and quickly kissed her on her lips. "I love you too," I replied.

"...may I hold Turquoise?" Peridot asked.

"Of course," I answered.

I walked over to the crib where Turquoise lay and picked her up. I placed her in Peridot's arms, and she began to study her mother as she studied everyone. Peridot seemed happy to be holding her. She cooed to her, telling her how much she loved her.

"...I still think it's my fault," I said. "I came out there...despite your orders. Now they're after me."

"...I guess you can take some of the credit," Peridot replied. "But think about it. If you hadn't helped Topaz, she definitely would have been killed, and then I would have been killed. Then they would have gone right after you and found Turquoise along the way." She kissed the baby's forehead. "The only reason they didn't get Turquoise is because they didn't know where she was. That's why she's safe."

Turquoise made a noise, quickly attracting Peridot's attention. Peridot leaned in and hummed a tune to her until she was dozing off and nearly asleep. I smiled at the sight of our little baby happy and comfy in her mother's arms. I hadn't ever dreamed of having a baby, but when I became pregnant with Turquoise, this happy life was all I dreamed of for her.

"Do you want me to get you anything?" I asked.

"I can take care of myself," Peridot answered. "So no."

"You have a pretty bad scratch on the side of your face," I said, very carefully tracing the long, dark line in her freckled skin. "You're really sure you don't need anything?"

"I'm sure," Peridot answered. "That'll heal in like an hour."

I pressed a kiss against her cheek, then one against Turquoise's. Then I quietly walked away, making sure not to disrupt the tired little baby. When I walked out, I saw Topaz lingering about in the living room, looking around seemingly without a purpose. After all, Peridot was taking care of Turquoise, the one person she needed to be looking after. Peridot wouldn't trust her with the baby. She didn't trust any vampire. I partly wished that she had her own baby. I could tell how badly she wanted one. Peridot wouldn't be onto her either. That was another thing I wished for. For the two of them to get along. If only they didn't clash. Vampires had always been dangerous to werewolves and vice versa. It was obvious why there was a lack of trust between the two. What had made it so easy for Liliac and Yellow to put it behind them?

"Topaz?" I called quietly.

"Yes?" Topaz answered, turning to look at me with an alien amount of grace.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes," Topaz answered. "I'm fine."

"Do you need something to do?" I asked.

"No, no," Topaz answered. "I'm okay right here. If Peridot wants to hold the baby, I'll let her. She's her daughter anyway."

"You can always ask," I said.

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