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(So, this is what I imagined Zane to kinda look like

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(So, this is what I imagined Zane to kinda look like. I don't know where this character/person is from, and if anyone knows feel free to say. But, this is what I imagined him to look like.)

Sup, I'm Zane. I'm "emo", a "bad boy" apparently, and gay; if you don't like it screw off. I've dealt with worse in my life than stupid remarks about being "emo" and gay, nothing about the "bad boy" part because apparently that's something not to be made fun of about. How can you be 'emo' and a 'bad boy' at the same time? Just doesn't make sense to me.

Sorry, anyways. I'm Zane J. Williams, I'm 18, a new kid in senior year at a new school, emo, gay, depressed, mentally fucked, and have gone through a lot of stuff in the short 18 years I've been alive.

The school I go to now is shit apparently. I'm not in the best part of town, so obviously the kids that go here probably aren't the best. I'm joining in 2nd semester because of my family's move. At least it's a better house than our last, but I still don't like it over here.

When I was 8, I was in a deadly car crash. I was in the back seat of the car with my mom and dad. We were on our way out of town to go visit family, it was 2 days before Mother's Day.


A fool was driving on the wrong side of the highway swerving in and out of then lanes, my dad pressed on the breaks to slow down but we didn't stop. My dad was trying to time it, so he slowed down thinking when the semi swerved to the opposite lane he could sneak past without us being hit. But we couldn't slow down, it was raining so roads were slicker than normal. At the very last second my dad jerked the car over. The semi truck hit us, he practically drove onto our car, completely on top of our hood.

I was the only one to make it alive. My dad died in the car because of blood loss, internal bleeding, and head trauma, My mom died at the hospital because of head trauma and internal bleeding. I was injured but, sadly, I didn't die. I had a large shard of glass, I think from the review mirror, cut through from my forehead down to my cheek. Somehow, luckily it didn't cut my eye. The force of the stop and the jerk caused my dads cigarette that was in his hand onto my hand burning me, and the jerk caused the seat belt to leave a huge bruise on my collarbone for well over 2 weeks. I still have the scars from the glass that went all over me, even if it was just small cuts.


Rumor got around in school that I distracted my parents, being the cause of the accident. No one believed me so now I stop caring about people and what they think of me. If they don't care to know the truth, I just tell them to screw off and leave. That's why I'm depressed. I found out I'm gay when I was in elementary, kinda young I know, but my parents accepted it. They loved me for who I was, and I love them the same.

I have an adopted family, and they are a really nice family. They gave birth to a kid before they got me, his name is Chance. Then they saw me and I was just so "perfect" to them, so they adopted me. I'm older than their bio son, but only by a year and a half. I actually do see him as a little brother. What makes them all the better is they know I'm gay, but they accept me.

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