Chapter 24: ...For Real This Time

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Shanes POV.

"Oh god," Zane mumbles looking at Madeline getting out of my truck.


"Why'd you bring her?"

"Because she was dying to see you too, I wasn't the only one. Why?"

"I just...No, Its okay. This session will be good for her."

"Alright, If you say so... Are you okay babe?" I grab his hand.

"I'm okay, I promise."

I pull him down into a kiss. But, what breaks my heart a little is that he doesnt have a reaction. I break it, and just turn back to Maddie whos pulling out her backpack with her "Non-workout clothes, because I will not staying sweaty clothes".


"Nice job! Lets wash up, then lets go get some drinks, my treat?" Zane kneels in front of Maddy. She nods violently, seriously it looks like she was trying to rip off her head. "Shane?" He looks up at me.

Man, I missed him so much. But, hes acting different. Soemthing is wrong, and hes not telling me.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Shower time," I motion my thumb over to the locker room type thing.


Zanes POV.

"You fucking lied to me..." Jacklyn glares at me.

"What are you talking about? I haven't lied about anything."

"Dont do that! You've been talking to him!"

"No, I haven't. What gave you that idea?"

"I dont need to answer, you answer to me! Why have you been talking to Shane? We had a deal."

"We do have a deal. You get what you want, I don't talk to Shane and I get what I want after."

"Stop fucking lying!"

"Jacklyn. Lower your voice for one, people are staring. And two, I haven't been talking to him."

"I saw you two outside of a little building called Fitness Slaughterhouse, you were talking."

"Oh my god, that?"

"Yes fucking that!"

The table next to us just watched us, they looked like they were tired of her yelling too.

"I'm so sorry," I show a apologetic look, they nod. I grab Jacklyns hand, then drag her outside. "Listen, listen WITHOUT interrupting. Shane. And. I. Aren't. "Talking"! I am giving his cousin self defence classes, I have since him and I met. I only have 1 more class with them before their subscription ends and they have to lease a new one. I wont be her teacher after that because of this shit your pulling. So no, him and I arent "Talking", that one time you saw us talking was the only one. And, it as just telling him because of our breakup I cant be her teacher anymore."

She stares at me with a glare, I cross my arms and wait for a response.

"Fine, but you know what happens if you lie t-"

"I know, I know. God do I know!"


I have no idea how I'm going to break it to him.

She knows, and now I really cant risk it.

I'm doing this to protect him, even if it will hurt both of us. Of course, after this is all over I'm planning on going back to him.

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