Chapter 21: G and Sammy (Part 1)

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(This chapter is all about Gill and Sammys relationship and their day to day lives.)

"Are you kidding me? I haven't done shit!" My father yells at my mother.

"Exactly the point! All you do is sit around all day and drink, it's going to kill you one day."

"Don't tell me what to do! I'm the only one that works in this fucking place!"

"It's not my fault I was fired because of you!"

I go to my brothers room, without knocking I open the door and pull him to my room.

"Are mom and dad arguing again?" He whispers rubbing his eyed as I just woke him up.

I hush him, then shut and lock my door. "Yes little buddy, but it's okay. Go back to sleep, here," I hand him my black and red beats headphones gill got me. "Listen to music while you sleep." I open my laptop and connect the headphone to the laptop. I play my playlist I have specifically used for this moment.

"What about you?"

"I'm gonna call Gill for a few and talk to her. Just sleep, everything's alright." I kiss his forehead then go sit at my desk. He lays on my bed and I sigh.

"You are so inconsiderate!" My mom shouts at him.

I grab my phone, immediately going to text Gill.

"Hey babe"

"Hey, what's up. It's 11 at night? Is everything okay?" She sends back immediately, I can't help but smile.

"They are having another argument. This time about him needing to stop drinking."

"Want me to call you, come over, or anything?"

"No it's fine, texting is just fine."

"Okay, how was your evening?"

"Pretty good. Hayden and I went to the pool with his friends after he finished his homework. You really need to come to the pool with us sometimes."

"No, you need to come to my pool. It's a lot bigger, and I can guarantee it's cleaner then the community pool."

"Maybe, how about tomorrow I ask mom and Hayden if us 3 can go? Little family and friend pool party?"

"Perfect, sounds amazing. How'd that little test in Trig go?"

"Ugh, DONT even get me started on that. How the hell was he supposed to just drop that on us and only give us 1 day to study?! I'm pretty sure I might get a D or a C."


"Don't laugh at me, I'm being serious."

"I know, I'm sorry. You know you can always ask for my help..."

"Oh, yeah, forgot you are an Ace student."

"See, let me help you next time."

"I was being sarcastic dummy, but I would actually appreciate the help with that."

"You know what could also help?"


"Paying attention in the class. I notice you always text me during that hour."

"Okay, so what? I can't hold myself back, your like a magnet."

"I love that, that was cute. Now it's my turn to be serious, you really need to pass this class. I will be more than happy to help you. After all, it is just this class you are stuck on. You are really good at other subjects."

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