Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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We get to the school and we walk in. I could feel stares from people in the halls, I could hear people gossiping about us already. I get a sting in the back of my head, once again, making me grab it.

"Fuckin' shiiiit that hurt," I say louder than I meant to.

"Just another reason we need to hurry," Chance said going faster. I stumble over my feet a little till I finally get used to the pace, a minute later we reach the nurse and we go in.

We know our way around the school because we got a tour yesterday. The principals showed up to give us the tour herself, we get to know the way to our classes, she gave us the basic rules of the school, she showed us the way to the library, gym, nurse, office, all that jazz.

The lady in her 50s checks out my head, tells me its fine but I'm gonna have to stay for 1st and 2nd hour to make sure I'm fully okay. I tell my brother to leave and go to class, he was resistant but soon agreed and left.

She asks me a few questions, I answer as honestly as I could. She says that my records say I am diagnosed with PTSD, and I tell her that was the reason I was suddenly out. She says she'll have to call my parents, let them decide to take me to a hospital or not.

I can't say no to her calling them, but I can't say it's okay either. I need to stay with Chance and make sure he's okay, plus I don't want to bring them any trouble.

"I think I'm fine really, I can still walk, talk, see, and breath. I think I'm fine," I try to explain.

"Yes, I can see that, but it's needed I call your parents. It's their choice," She says picking up the phone, dialing their number.

All I do is nod, hoping I get a say in it all. Trust me, I would love to go back to the house, practice my song, listen to music, and that stuff. But, I need to stay with my brother. I didn't realize the nurse was asking me to come to the phone, I was too zoned out to realize. I got up, my dizziness left a minute ago so I could walk fine now, and walked over taking the phone from her.

"Yeah," I say quietly into the phone.

"Hey, we heard what happened? Are you okay?" I heard mom says in her worried shaky voice on the other end.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I tell them honestly.

"Are you sure, we can come pick you up. Plus you can explain what happened."

"No, I'm fine. I'll stay, thanks anyways," I say quickly.

"Okay, if you're sure. I'll be home Incase anything so call or text me. Bye son, we love you," My dad says in the phone.

I pause for a second, thinking of if I should say it back or not. I've told them I love them before, but after just thinking of my late parents it's hard to say.

"...I love you guys too."

I hand the phone back to the nurse, and sit next to my bag putting on my headphones. I mess around on my phone for an hour then she says I can leave. "If it hurts again, or you hit it again, come back."

I nod walking out, going straight to the mall. But, before I can go up stairs where my class is, I hear slight crying. I turn down one hall to see 3 kids wearing jerseys kicking someone on the ground. "I can finally let out my anger for something good now," I think as I drop my bag. The kids beating the boy on the ground turned to me.

"What you boys up too?" I ask looking down at my phone and turn off my headphones.

"Get outta here if you know whats good for you."

"I dont wanna." I place my headphones on my bag, putting my phone on top of them.

"Another fuckin emo, this will be fun..." The one in the middle smirk to the others.

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