Chapter 16: Work (Part 1)

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"Right here is fine, how much?" I tell the taxi driver when to arrive at the long dirt road.


I take out a 20 and a 10, giving it to him then stepping out. I wait till the guy drives away, then start to walk down the long road. Next time I'll just take the subway, faster.

Oh god, so I really want to do this? I can't possibly be this dumb. I almost died doing this last time, I don't wanna die because of this. I won't die because of this. I'm fine, I'm doing this for the money. So I can leave here. I'll only be doing it for a month or so. It won't be that bad, I at least know how this stuff works.

Last time, I was so stupid for doing this without even considering the consequences, but now is different. I know how much trouble I'm gonna get into for doing this again. But, I'm stronger. I'll stand my ground to him now, if he doesn't like it, I won't come back to him. He loves me, he'll listen to me. Do I feel bad for using him like this? No. The dick used me more than enough, now it's my turn.

I pull back my hair, flipping up my hood. I still have some hair dripping over my eye to hide the scar, but at least no one can see how long my hair actually is. I roll up my sleeves, one of the things they recognized on me, the scars. They will know who I am because of the scars on my arms, that's how they recognize me.

I take a deep breathe and sigh it out, looking at the bigger buildings in front of me. I go to the one in the middle, a big parking garage behind it. I hate this, I wanted away from my past, not to resort back to it. This and my uncle coming after me is the two main things I didn't want to happen again, yet both are happening at the same time. What happened to that promise I made to myself.

'Don't let our past control us'
'Never go back to our past'
'We will start off new'

Yeah right, here I am. I groan and open the doors. 7 PM. I walk over the the lady's desk, she looks up. First thing she notices is my eyes, then she looks at me arms.

"Zach, your back?"

"Yeah, sadly. Miss me?" I flash a fake grin, she blushes moving her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, actually. I know Boss has too. What are you doing here, I thought you quit?"

"Exactly why I'm back, I need to talk to him. Is he with anyone right now?"

"No, hes not. Shall I tell him your here?"

"No need, I'll just go up. I know he'll be happier if I just go up." I shrug moving away from the desk.

"Alright, be careful. He's got a bit of an attitude today."

"Thanks for the warning." I wave behind me then jog but the stairs to the second floor. I turn and go to the third and last floor. I notice the office door is closed, meaning he's in there. I sigh yet again and walk over to the door. I knock.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." I say knowing he'll recognize my voice. "Open up."

I hear him shuffle over, and he opens the door, eyebrow raised in amusement. "Well, well, well. Look who's back."

"Yeah, I need to talk to you."

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