Le Special!

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Don't worry, these new names will be coming up very soon (except the kid names, those are a little later in the sequel). This could be a part of their future, and it could not be. So, just wait.

Zane and Shane are currently with their 6 year old daughter Abby and their 3 year old son Jack at a firework show. Shane's family joined them this year, his parents behind them taking videos and pictures of everything. Zanes family is out for vacation, his brother just had his wedding as well and is on a date night with his wife. Gabe and Sammy are next to them with their twin girls and son. Gabe's parents ended up coming along and chatted with Shane's parents, and they also all went out to eat at On The Border before going to the firework show.

"Look at that daddy!" Abby smiles sitting around her fathers neck.

"Daddy sees it sweetheart." Shane reply's pulling his head up to look at his daughter making her laugh

Little Jack is in Zanes right arm with his hand in Zanes hair, Zane intertwines his fingers with Shane's leaning on his shoulder.

"Papa, wook." Little Jack smiles.

"I know, they are very pretty." Zane kisses the top of his sons head.

"The finally is coming up, keep a close watch!" Shane warns them. "Record with my phone sweetheart." He says handing his phone to his daughter so she can record it.

"Okay!" She yells and presses record aiming it at the fireworks.

"Did you hear uncle Shane, this is the best part." Sammy smiles at the kids kneeling to pull up her twins as Gabe holds their son.

The rest of the firework show was exciting for the kids, the grandparents held on to the kids after the show and decided to let the traffic pass before they left.

"Come on, let's go munch on some candy." Shane's mom smiles at her grandchildren, holding them.

"I can't believe it's almost been 6 years..." Shane smiles at Zane.

"That's a good thing." Zane hugs his husband.

"I never said it wasn't." Shane wraps his arms around Zanes neck pulling himself up a little to kiss Zane.

"Aww!" They hear the couple, their best friends, beside them making them laugh.

"This reminds me of high school." Zane laughs along with them.

"Do you guys ever miss high school?" Sammy asks leaning on Gabe's shoulder.

"I'm not sure I can say I miss it, always getting beat and that stuff... until Zane came along I hated high school." Shane says sitting in the back of his truck on the edge.

"Aww, thanks babe." Zane says going in front of him.

"I'm just saying what's true." Shane hugs Zanes neck. "Although I kinda miss your long hair, it was fun to play with."

"I know, you still love to play with my hair." Zane laughs pulling him closer.

"Now this reminds me of high school." Shane kisses Zane, then lays his forehead on Zanes.

"It's a shame Ethan, John, and their girlfriends didn't make it, same with Aiden." Sammy says sitting next to Shane.

"They are having fun, trust me. Aiden and his husband are also on their honeymoon, Ethan took his girlfriend down to California along with John and his fiancé." Zane informs everyone

"I wonder when Ethan if fully gonna commit, Laina's 2 months pregnant already." Gabe shakes his head.

"Soon, I helped him plan it out, he got the ring just before they found out she was pregnant. I guess he's waiting for the right moment now. He helped me ask out Shane, I helped him later on in the future. He's never committed to a girl before so it shocked me." Zane says and they all nod.

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