Chapter 2 (Part2)

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Zanes POV.

I can't even stay in the same room as him. I really almost kissed him, my gut is twisting. I have to force myself away from him, fuck! This isn't what I want! He's weak, he can't even defend himself. He's cute, but weak and stupid. Who would be attracted to that?

Im currently walking around the school, got nothing better to do, why not just walk around? I threw my bag in my locker, now I'm just walking around till I've somewhat decided to head to the office. I say somewhat because I told the 4th hour lady that I was going to the office, and me being the 'scary threat' I am, she probably called the office telling them.

Sometimes being strong and tall has bad sides, like people automatically get stereotypical seeing me. No, I'm not a jock. No, I don't beat people up for fun. Yes, I put up walls blocking people but not because I wanna be 'edgy'. I put up those walls because I don't want people getting to close or finding out about my past unless I tell them and trust them.

Whatever, it dont matter.


I sigh, feeling relief as I get on the 3rd floor. The third floor is for academics, like my 6th hour. Music. The music room and art room are one of the biggest. The music room is big because of not only the instruments, but because the practice rooms. I walk in, noticing I'm early, that's fun. Though, unlike most classes there's no desks. So, you either stand, or sit, along the wall. I stand against the wall.

I cant help but admire the drumset, its a lot better than mine at home. Probably better to play as well.

"You like it?" I hear a male voice beside me. I turn and see a man a little taller than me, long hair pulled to a manbun with a mediun sized beard. "I'm Mr.Carter." He puts his hand out.

I grab his hand nodding. "I'm Zane, Zane Williams." We separate hands, I look back to the drumset. "Yeah, its a lot nicer than mine at home."

"You play?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"Yes sir."

"Alright, let me see what you can do."

"You serious?" I grin like a child.

"Yeah, go ahead." He smiles.

I set down my bag, grabbing my speaker. I connect my speaker and my phone, going to the drum set. Seven nation army seems good enough, its easy to do, so I always add a twist to it. I press play, grab my drumsticks, and just go.

(I'm not the owner of this video, but man I wish I was.)

You see, when I'm playing, I'm not paying attention to the world around me. The world is so shitty, that playing the drums is what releases me from everything. I realize about half way through I close my eyes, more of feeling it then watching myself play. When it is done, I realize the rooms now have about 30 more students than it had before. I stop the speaker. Then , theres clapping, by basically everyone.

"You self taught?" Mr. Carter asks.

"Yes sir." I nod pulling my sweaty hair back. "That noticable?"

"Kinda, I've seen the diferance of someone thats self taught, and someone that has a tutor. Why'd you choose that song?" He asks and I twirl the sticks in between my fingers.

"I just love the song, first song I ever learned. As like any other drummer, you add your own kicks to it sometimes," I shrug, knowing he uderstand that. "Thats the greatest part of it." I say putting back the drum sticks, going towards the croud.

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