Chapter 19: Party and stitches.

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"Ethan!" I yell at him as I walk down the dirt path too him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, get in the car." I say going to the passenger. He gets in driver, I get in passenger, managing to keep my arm in the self made sling. "This happened, I need Shane's help. I'm gonna tell him tonight, after all, if I don't tell him myself he's gonna figure it out on his own."

"What the hell happened?"

"Stabbed, well, more of a deep cut. Not as bad the the one on my side, but still hurts like hell." I pull up Shane's address on my phone, using the GPS. "Just drive, I can't buckle because of this thing."

I forgot, I have his number memorized in my head, and I even have his address saved in my phone. I cant let go.

"I said to fucking be safe." He sighs I'm anger, but drives anyways.

"This is the least of my worry's right now."

"This is your second day back, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"I know, I know." I lean my head back and close my eyes. He goes over a speed bump, making my arm clench. "Ow, shit man, careful with the bumps please."

"You kinda deserve it."

"If you aren't gonna be carful I'm gonna get blood on your seats."

"I could care less about blood being on the seats."

"Tonight is Shane's parents business party, I promised I would be there, but I didn't expect this to happen. It was us 7 to them 8, and I'm lucky I wasn't shot."

I just realized, Cameron was gonna shoot me even when he knew it was me the whole time!

"I really, truly, hate you so much right now."

"You'll get over it." I shrug.

"You don't understand what I feel when I know you are working for that douche bag. I actually wonder, 'is he going to come out alive?' 'Is he going to get hurt?' 'Am I gonna have a brother tomorrow like I did today?' I wonder that all the time. And here you are, the same thing that happened 3 fucking months ago." He shakes his head.

"It's not that easy to kill me, I'm to stubborn. You and John both know this."

"Yeah, but I can't help but wonder it."

"Ethan, Nothing is going to kill me just yet."

"I'm making that a promise form you to me." He says and I laugh nodding.

"Than it's a promise."

He smiles, staring off into space, then gasp. "I forgot." He reaches behind him, keeping his eyes on the road. He grabs something, pulling it forward. "The jacket you asked for. Why do you need it?"

"I can't just walk into a party, my arm in a hand made sling, and bleeding. Why do you think people would say or do? I'm gonna put it on, but leave it draped over my left arm, so it won't be that obvious. I'm just glad you didn't get me a white one, that'd defeat the purpose of why I need it." I look at the deep grey jacket that's no sitting on my lap. "Thanks."

He nods and hums. We talk a little more, it keeps me distracted from the roads and my throbbing arm. We get to the gates, I tell him the pass code, he enters it and the door start opening.

"Keep going straight down this road. Don't turn at all." I tell him ending the GPS.

"Damn, I knew he was rich, but gated community rich?!"

"Wait till you see his gated house." I laugh. "The gates should be open because the party, he told me that earlier, if not I know his code."

"Damn, I feel like the houses are just getting bigger..."

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