Chapter 3 (Part 1): Telling The Truth

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"HEY!" I yell stopping my parents, "Really?" I point to my moms car and something in my mom clicks.

She starts explain, worried, probably thinkin I'm gonna have an attack. She walks closer to me and I step back.

"You know how I feel about that." I say and she knows I'm talking about the car.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, just drop it." I say clearly pissed off getting out of the street and Shane follows me.

"I don't know why you hate that car, or cars in general, but I'll walk with you." He hugs my side.

I hug him back, laying my head down on his and I hear a car go past us. It's the same car my parents and I were in when we crashed... that's why I hate it so much. Every time I'm in that car all I can think about is the crash and it puts me in a state of panic. All I can remember is my parents dying in that car. Yes, I have PTSD. I take medication to help, but its never going away. I hate admitting it, but its true.

"Thanks." I grab his hand and we walk a few steps before he pauses a minute.

"Oh yeah, I do need a put something my friends car though." He let's go of my hand heading to the persons car, it's a red G-wagon, and it's fucking nice looking. He puts something down the open window on the seat, grabbing his phone and sending someone a text as he walks back over. "I'm good, I hadda give my friend the keys to my truck so she can drop it off at my place after."

"You drive?"

"Mhmm, I've been driving for 3 years."

"I don't know if I ever will be able to drive."

"Why do you think that?"

"It's a story for another time, lets just say for now I dont have the best past with cars." I smile grabbing his hand as we walk.

I ended up pulling us into the grass as we walked and away from the road. He probably could tell I was on edge because he started playing a band I'm in-love it.

"You like MCR?"

"Yup, it sucks they broke up."

We ended up spending 10 minutes just talking, singing to MCR, and laughing a lot. It's rare to find me this happy, even antidepressants can't fix me, but all of a sudden he shows up and my mood completely goes 180. I'm laughing next to him, I'm SMILING, I feel something I haven't felt before for anyone before, but what is it? I knew I feel something for him, but it's too soon for love.

"I'm home!" I yell into the house and hear my brothers door open.

"Mom and dad went to the store, also I'm using your guitar." He says at the end of the stairs.

"Alright, don't snap the strings." I say still holding Shane's hand.

"We both know you have extras dumbass." He rolls his eyes heading to his room making me laugh slightly.

Why am I in such a good mood, once again not normal... especially not after a fight. Normally after fights I'm pissed off for an extra 3 hours. I turn locking the door and notice my moms keys on the hook by the door. Only she has a copy of the house key, we need to go pick up extra keys for Dad, Chance, and I.

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