Chapter 12: Move & Bonding

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(Whats is this? My 3rd week late? Nope, it's my 4th week running late on the uploads. Again, I'm incredibly sorry.)

Zanes POV.

I never thought I'd say that I could ever have a boyfriend. I always pushed people away, and not just people who wanted to date me but everyone in General. I never thought about how I would someday be able to say "I'm dating someone", or "I have a boyfriend", or "I love you", to someone outside my family. It's weird but comforting, and the fact that it's Shane that I call my boyfriend... it just feels right.

"Babe, Stop it."  He giggles moving his arm. "That tickles." He's awake looking me in the eyes.

"Did I wake you?" I  chuckle moving my arm.

"Don't do that, it's cold." He grabs my arm wrapping it back over him. "And yes, because you tickled me." He says quietly.

"In all honestly I didn't know I was doing that, but now I know where to tickle you," I whisper into his ear closing my eyes. "Now go back to sleep, I won't do it again."

"I'm not tired, you can sleep." He says unplugging his phone opening it up.

"Nooo, sleep." I take his phone holding it to where he can't reach.

"Babe, I love you, I'm just not tired. I would be asleep by now if I was, trust me." He rolls over sitting at the edge of the bed and I get a better look at him. He has major bed hair, but it's super cute actually, he has a large T-shirt that slips off his shoulder, and is wearing shorts. I can tell he got cold because he's hugging himself.

"Fine, only because you look adorable right now." I hand him his phone making him grin "I don't get how you can get so cold, it's warm in here."

"I don't know, my body is just stupid." He pouts still hugging his arms.

I find the red hoodie I've let him use on top of his bag, and toss it to him. It falls on his lap and he smiles, immediately putting it on. I laugh slightly but stop once my head pounds.

"How can you forget you have a hangover?" Shane asks walking over to his bag.

"I don't know, I think I'm just used to them. Well, kinda, I don't drink a lot actually, too much past goes into that," I forget he doesn't know about my uncle. "I'm just used to pounding headaches," I say going to my closet. "That's why I always keep Advil up here." I take out the bottle taking two. "Need one?" I point the bottle to him

"I'm fine. It sucks that you get headaches a lot, do you know why?" He says and I put the Advil back in my closet.

"I don't know why, but medication doesn't help. I actually have to go pick up a new prescription today, do you mind driving me?" I ask and swallow the two in my hand.

(If you don't know, you shouldn't really take antidepressants and painkillers together!)

"I don't mind, but I do have to go over to my parents today to pack a few things around 3. I'm still moving in with my aunt,-"

There's a knock at the door stopping our conversation, I look over at Shane who is sitting on my bed on his phone. I turn back to the door and see my dad waiting at the door.

"I didn't want to yell in because of your hangover. Anyways, your brother is getting out at 5, and you have to get your meds at 1. It's currently 11:40, you got some time." My dad reminds me and I nod.

"Thanks, Dad, I got it," I say heading to my closet to throw on a T-shirt.

"Okay, just make sure you're there when we get your brother." He says shutting my door.

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