Chapter 1 (Part 1): Meeting And A Fight

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Song: paradise fears- battle scars


Shane's P.O.V

I wake up to my alarm going off, playing one of my favorite songs Battle Scars by Paradise Fears, of course I had my headphone connected so my parents don't hear it. They consider music like this 'non Christian music', so they just dont hear it.

I get up, still having my headphones playing the music, and I start my morning rutine. Lucklily, the school I go to doesnt have much of a dresscode, as long as you arent promoting violence or naked. I'm allowed to look as Emo as much as I want.

"No, your not alone, Keep marching on, This is worth fighting for, You know we've all got battle scars"

I mumble before forcing myself to turn off the music, taking off my headphones plugging them in next to my phone, and going back to the bathroom. I take a nice hot shower, then get out drying myself, then my hair. I throw on my outfit for the day. Straighten my hair, or no? Nah, we good today.

I put some of my foundation on my scars, I really only have it for this

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I put some of my foundation on my scars, I really only have it for this. I check one more time, deciding its enough. I throw on my black hoodie, I put my "emo" stuff in my beanie, then shove that in my pocket. I then push back my hair and plop a cap on, most the color is covered. Somehow my parents haven't noticed I've had it like this for about a month, than again they dont pay much attention.

I go down my stairs, jog through the halls to the stairs. I run down to the second floor, then the first. Did I forget to mention my family is rich? I did? Well, now you know. I got everything I need, nothing that I want. I guess I'm fine with that though.

I go to the kitchen, of course after checking the ballroom and the billard for servants, to find my father reading the morning paper and my mother making coffee. I smile to them saying a simple hi.

"Good morning. You ready for your last semester of your last year in high school? Of course you still have collage after, but that's later," My mom asked hugging me.

"You wouldn't be hugging me if you knew..." is what I think, but what I say is  "Yeah. Glad it's finally gonna be over," Making my dad chuckle.

My dad goes on about how I need to pay attention in school, but how should also keep contact with as many friends as I can. He stands and hugs me, saying I'll be just fine and I shouldn't worry too much about school.

I have so much to say about this, I know he'd have a worse reaction than my mom.

"I will father, thank you," I reply hugging him back.

"Aww... my two men are being so cute together," I hear my mom say and a camera click. "Yay! More pictures for the family scrapbook!" She says running to her scrapbook labeled "Family". 

She has been scrap-booking ever since I was born. She got my bad moments, like bad hair days,  the day I got my lip and nose pierced (to them it was a bad moment) and my first break up (that I had to fake being sad about). But also my good moments like when I was happy as a baby, kid, per-teen, but that stops there because depression glued itself to my side. My elementary school dances, when I was with my friends before and after that dance, and more. That's only in one named 'Shane'.

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