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I am rewriting this!

Currently working on chapter 3!

It will be better!

It won't be on here!

But it will be on my 2nd account!

My second account is Gayhuman18.

I have mentioned that also in my profile description on this account, just incase.

I know this one sucked, pretty damn bad, and I didn't finish the sequel (there will be a happy ending guys, just wait), but don't let this be a bad reputation for the new one. Many things are being changed, along with the style it's written, also the wordings and the length of each chapter; many things are very different.

Anyways, chapter 1 is already out, chapter two is written, and I'm already working on 3. I only started this a week ago. I'm excited about this, I really am. I hope it's better than what 13 year old me set it out to be.  Again, thanks for the support, and I hope you go read chapter 1 to get a glimpse of something different.

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