Chapter 6: THIS IS WHY I DONT DRIVE! Crashes...

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This is exactly why I don't drive! crashes...

I can't even process what's in front of me while I'm on the phone with the police. I explain what street it is while Shane runs to the biker on the ground. I run to the person in the car, as a see another person run to the truck that crashed into the side of the car I'm at. Right as I look at the person I drop my phone, hearing a crack when it hits the pavement.

*2 hours before*

Shanes P.O.V

"Hey, you okay? you've been spacing out for the past 10-15 minutes," Zane asks squeezing my hand a little.

We are currently in our way to the mall food court, we decided to grab a bite and talk more before splitting in two different directions.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking is all," I smile and hold onto his arm.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks curiously looking down at me.

"I don't know, I just started thinking. About you, my friends, how happy I am right now, and everything leading to now." I look forward at Gill and Sammy who are ahead of us.

" you say a lot of cheesy things, but you always make it so cute." He comments, I smile. "Almost everything you do is cute, like now." He kisses the top my head while we walk.

"Don't do that..." I whisper blushing more.

"Don't do what?"  He asks wrapping his arm over my shoulder holding me close.

"You can... But not here..." I say quietly.

"Alright, I understand. You just make it so hard though."

"You're a dork."

He laughs, "Yeah, only around you tho."

"Could you guys just get together now? You sound like your dating," Sammy says looking back at us.

"Yeah, what's funny is I told you that for months and you didn't listen did you?" I snapback

"We at least listened after a while and didn't act like we were together when we weren't."

"Yeah," Gill backs up Sammy

I can hear Zane laughing quietly next to me

"What are you laughing at?" I asked glaring at him.

"Nothin, just you," He wraps his arm around my waist holding me close as we walk.

I stay quiet not knowing a comeback to make him blush like me, that's when I hear a click then I get a message. I look in front of me and see Gill and Sam giggling.

"The hell you giggling for?" I check my phone.

It's a picture of me looking extremely pouty looking at Zane who's still smiling looking at me. I had my arms crossed against my chest and had my hair covering part of my face from the camera angle.  Zane had his hand in his pockets and you could kinda see his left eye. I yell at them.

I feel a slight kiss on my head and I turn my face to the street. We just walked into the parking lot of the mall, it's a pretty big mall that has 3 stories and a huge food court on the west side. We still have another 7-8 minutes till we get to the mall food court, but now more people will look at us which got me nervous.

I stare at all the cars and get scared thinking of how many people are in there. I know people won't care about me, what I look like, or who I'm with, but I always have those thoughts in my head. I always have a though the people won't accept me for who I am. I kinda blame Jay.

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