Chapter 7 (Cant think of a tittle)

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(Sorry, it's long. Shorter than before, but still long.)

Still Zane's POV

I wake up 20-30 minutes later and my parents are saying we should head home and figure out who's gonna stay with Chance. We head out to my dads car, I managed to actually sit still in the back seat with Shane. It was a 15-minute drive home, I had my headphones between Shane and I so we can listen to music together and it distracted me. Getting back onto the solid ground felt amazing.

Mom says he can stay if he needs somewhere to stay for the night. Saying he's always welcome too if he needs a place to stay. Shane mentions he's not going to be staying with David and Sam, and he's had 3 offers on places he can stay. I pitched the idea of him staying, but noted how his aunt seems like she'd really like him to stay with her. My dad agrees because their family and his aunt really does care about him.

"Well, you have time to think about it. But we don't mind at all, you're always welcome over," my mom says and walks to the kitchen pulling my dad along.

"I love your family," he laughs slightly smiling.

"I love them too, their wonderful. But, I love you too," I smile and hug him as he wraps his arms around my neck.

"I love you just as much," he kisses my lips.

"You wanna fight me on that?" I ask backing him up out of view of my parents.

"I'll fight you on that for sure."

"Really now? You don't wanna fight with me in something like this." I whisper in his ear.

"Yeah, I would like to see you try," he kisses my jawbone and smirks.

"I'll take you up on that later," I kiss him again, "because I cant now."

"Zane, Shane, can you come over here? We need to talk about tonight," I hear my mom.

I kiss him one final time and grab his hand as we walk over.

"Okay, so tonight you boys might be the only one here, we decided it's best if we stay with Chance tonight. Then again, it might only be one of us that goes to stay with him. We are still deciding, what do you boys think?" My dad says drinking his coffee.

"I'm okay if both you guys leave to stay with Chance, and we'll be okay by ourselves here. It doesn't matter to me, though I do want to see Chance before the visiting hours' end," I explain and they nod.

"Shane, are you okay with coming along or staying by yourselves tonight?" Now my mom asks

"I'm okay with it, no worries," he smiles making me smile.

"Okay, then let's go back to the hospital and visit Chance. It's been about 30-40 minutes so he might be awake," my dad says putting his coffee mug in the dishwasher.

"Okay, let's go!" My mom says running to her keys and purse.

"I need to call Gill, she has my truck, and it's a far walk from the hospital. Are you okay with driving back here?" He looks at me pulling out his phone.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. My parents are staying there so they'll need the car. And it is a hard walk there to here." I say but really I don't know if I'll be okay. I might panic because of being in a car more than ever.

"Hey, where are you?" Shane asks on the phone. "Great! Can you turn around and bring my truck to the hospital. I'll pay your gas," he paused a minute again and nods making me laugh quietly. "Awesome, thanks so much," he hangs up and turns to me, "Got the truck thing handled, let's go!"

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