Chapter 1: The Flashback

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When the semi-truck hit us, everything went slow. Everyone jerks forward, the cigarette in dads hand flying back, burning my hand. Mom yelled and smacked her head on the window next to her, knocking her out. I feel something else crash into the back of us, I can't pay attention to that though.

Then everything stops going slow and everything hits me, quite literally. I feel glass scatter all over me, and my head slams back into the seat. I couldn't see my parents, my eyes hurt to much to open. My visions spotty, red and black, like a ladybug.

I feel pain everywhere, everything hurts. I hear cars screeching, loud horns that punch my brain, a few door slam shut, but I cant see anything. Everything's blank still, except the black spots that have turned to streaks on my red vision. I hear more yelling, the horns never stopping.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I hear a deep voice yell.

I hear a door being pried open. I slowly and weakly lift my hand, trying to wipe the liquid off my eyelids so I can open my eyes and see.

"THERE IS A KID IN THE BACK," I hear a lady yell.

"There's a really bad accident at-"

"Yes, we need someone over here right away. A three car collision on-"

"Oh god, oh no. Sir, ma'am, can you hear me?"

So many different voices, so many different people. Help, please! I want the pain to stop. My back hurts, my face and head hurt, my arms and legs too.


Are my parents okay? Why aren't they talking, or asking if I'm okay. Are they okay?

"Mom, dad?" It comes out a whisper, it feels like I have no voice.

My thoughts and words are cut off when I hear a man.

"We need 5 ambulances," A short pause and he talks again. "2 adult males, 2 adult female, and 1 child. The child looks like a male, could be female, that looks about 9. The man and woman in one car look to be in critical condition, the man in the semi is responsive, the girl in the pickup truck is responsive. I don't know if the child is responsive or not, but the parents aren't."

"There's a fire, this thing might blow soon, they need to hurry!"

"Someone help me make a path for the responders!"

Everything hurts, but not enough to scream or cry. I wipe the liquid away, and open my eyes to see there's no windshield anymore, that, or I can't see it. But, I can see the front of the semi halfway over the hood. My dad and I's windows are also broken. I don't hear anything but people outside and the ongoing horns; I hear a woman crying, people talking or on the phone calling police. I turn my head to see my mom passed out with blood starting to trickle from her nose. I start crying.


When I get no response I ask again, but louder. I get scared and start screaming as I see my dad. A shard of metal from the semi in his eye, passed out. There's glass and blood all over both their faces. All I could do is yell and cry. I was screaming, screaming for my dad, my best friend. Screaming for my mom, my rolemodel. Screaming for my parents, my heros.

I unbuckle myself and stand up leaning forward, hugging my mom from the side. I move to my dad hugging his arm, crying, yelling, even more crying. "WAKE UP! MOM, DAD! PLEASE!" 8 year old me yelled, trying to wake my parents. I felt hands grab my small waste and pull me away from them. "NO! LET ME GO! PLEASE! MOM! DAD!" I tried getting out of the grip, trying to get to my parents, my family.

"Hey, shhh, its okay," A male said.

I felt that person sit me on the ground while a female hugged me and rubbed my back. I didn't care who it was I just collapsed crying on the strange woman.

"It will be okay," She said while crying as well.

I completely forgot about how much physical pain I was in, because my mental and emotional pain was a lot stronger than that. I soon heard sirens, a lot. I look up from the woman's shoulder.

Theres a fire forming around the back tired and the black pickup truck. Firement run to the fire, medics hurry out of the ambulances. 2 rushing to the semi driver, 2 to the woman behind us, 2 rushing to me, 4 medics rushing to the car where my parents lay as if they're dead.

The two take me to the ambulance, of course I fight wanting to go with my parents. They convince me I have to stay so they can check on me, I couldn't feel anything. I was completely numb as the facts came to me. "My parents are dead.... we were in an accident, I'm gonna die," I think to myself. I got dizzy, I started falling forward when I saw them take my mom and dad out of the car.

Next thing I know, everything is black and I feel someone catch me to put me on the gurney in the ambulance. Everything stops, the pain goes away, and I'm out cold.

*End of flashback*

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