Chapter 14: Breakup

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Time skip 1 week later


Zanes POV




Ignoring you bitch, I'm doing other things, can't you see that?"

"Zane baby, please listen to me."

"1. Don't call me baby. 2. What the fuck do you want?" I stop walking in the hall and turn to her.

"We need to talk about something."

"We have nothing to talk about, I barely even fucking know you, you don't know me, now fucking leave me alone." I turn around and she of course goes in front of me.

"Does the name Jason Martin ring a bell, Zane?" My heart sinks.

"The fuck you yapping about?"

"Don't play innocent, you know who I'm talking about. Your uncle. Do you have any idea where he is today?"

I grab her arm, drag her to the basement because no classes are in session down there. I push her into an empty room, turning on the light as I shut the door behind me.

"How the fuck do you know? Who did you talk to?" I lean on the door so she can't run out without my answers.

"That's not your concern."

"Of course it is! That's my life you are fucking with."

"Come on baby, don't be like this" she try's to grab my arm but I beat her to it and grab her shoulders.

"Answer my question! How do you know him, how did you know he was my uncle?"

"A friend of mine told me. I always get what I want, and I want you-"

"What friend?"

She rolls her eyes. "I can't tell you."

"You CAN tell me, you WILL tell me."

"Too bad, so sad. He's getting out of prison soon, you wouldn't want him finding you or Shane, would you?"

"Shut up bitch."

"It's just one trip from here to the prison, and he'll know where you live, where that little boyfriend of yours lives, and all your information."

"Don't bring Shane or my family into this." I push her against a wall. "If you bring them into this, hell is comin to you. I don't care if you always get what you want, you leave my friends and family out of this, and especially Shane."

"Be my boyfriend then. Breakup with that idiot, date me."


"Okay, guess he's gonna pay a visit to Shane. I already told Jason your still gay, he's not the happiest about that."

"No, that's not happening."

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