Chapter 22: Oh. My. GOD!

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"So, I'm not supposed to defend myself or others."

"Zane, please. I know you did it for the right reason, but knocking out a student is not okay."

"He was hurting Shane, that's your nephew."

"And, I am thankful for you protecting him, I really really am. But, there's issues with the extent that you went with that one. You can be suspended because of this, and your lucky I'm able to work you out of it. But, you need to level it down."

I sigh out. Honestly, I blanked out when I saw that, then it's like I suddenly just came back to my senses after he was out.

"I know you have a hard time with that stuff, and sometimes you can't control emotions but you can control your actions. You are allowed to defend yourself, and I know in this part of town you have to know how to defend yourself, but on school property you have to control it a little more."

"I know, I'm sorry. Though, his parents dont want to kill me do they?"

"Thankfully no..."

"Theres a but?"

"But, they are mad and wished to press charges on you, all until I showed them the security footage of their son starting the fight."

"How'd they react to that?"

"Not nicely, they said there had to be a reason their son would do that. And, when I told them the reason why their son started the fight, they said he shouldn't have been in trouble for starting the fight."

"What exactly did you tell them?"

"The truth, that their son picked a fight with an innocent boy because he was dating a man." She sighs and leans back, she crosses her arms and glares at the ceiling. "What I didnt know is they were Christians, so that conversation didnt go well. If I'd known, wouldn't have said so."

"Let me guess, they attacked Shane, verbally, with the bible?"

"Sadly yes."

"Just like their son. Attacking someone with the bible is just a double negative."

"I can't actually say anything, not while on the clock of course, but I'm not the happiest about their decisions either. Anyways, my whole point of actually pulling you in was because Mr. Carter told me some stuff I was hoping you or Shane would tell me personally."

"Oh god," I sigh out shaking my head a little after. "Can we not talk about this right now?"

"I'm sorry Zane, it needs to be spoken about. It also involves Shane, who's not only my family but also my student. And it involves you, along with Jacklyn."

"I'm guessing Mr. Carter told you everything, basically?"

"Yes, but I need more information, some personal information, or I'm just going to go straight to the police without hearing it from you."


"And, I'm sure it's mentioned when I was enrolled here, I have a small background with the police. Stupid petty things like vandalism at skateparks or buildings that haven't been active in 20-30 years. But, there was always one guy that kept me in check, and would sometimes even get me out of it. I'm going to him, that's why I'm not letting any cops get involved with this. There's a mole in their system, I can't trust any of them but him to help me with this."

"A mole?"

"Dont ask, I just know."

"I'm saying this on a personal level, the level of "my nephew is in love with you and I hope to call you family one day". I hope you change your ways."

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