Chapter 4 (Part 1): Angry Father & Explanation.

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still shanes POV

I quickly turn the wheel barely missing the car. I got so distracted I swearved to the other lane? I pull to the side, turn up the radio, and start punching the truck horn. I don't care what people see or think, I just need to let out my anger before I start screaming with anger. I start crying again and bang my head against the horn having it make a long beep before I bring my head up. I stay there for a minute to stop crying and focus on getting to Zane, I need someone who can help me right now before I make myself mess up again. I wipe away the remaining tears and drive the rest of the way there, and when I do I feel release of stress.

I get the hoodie and throw it on, I pull up the hood, put on my sunglasses which hung in the hood apparently, and just go to the front door and knock. I don't care about sneaking in, I just want to get in easily and be with Zane. I knock again and again, then the door opens revealing a worried Sara.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? You look horrible!"She says and hugs me.

"You look horrible", she probably means the fact I'm drenched and half my face is red.

We hear footsteps go down the stairs and I see Zane. Sara let's go of me and Zane runs to me and hugs me. I turn my head and take off my sunglasses, shoving them in the hoodie pocket. I let out all my tears, I don't care if they see. He rubs my back and we both sink to the floor as everything comes back to me. My parents are going to hate me...

"I thought you would need the luck, I guess you needed more." I heard Zane say as he takes down the hood and kisses my head. "I'm sorry it didn't go well, I'm so sorry." He says and hugs me tighter still rubbing my back.

I hug back just as tight but I soon get weak to where all I can do is cry, not even talk but cry.

"What happened?" I hear another male voice ask, but deeper so it's Will.

"It's not my story to t-" he starts but I cut him off by pulling away and intertwining our fingers nodding my head for him to tell them. I dont think I can make out any words. "Okay. To put it short, he just told his parents about himself. let's just say they didn't take it well."  He says picking me up bride style and taking me upstairs.

I don't remember anything but black and feeling warm inside after that.

Zane's POV

I pick up Shane, because I fell his grip on me going weak, and I carry him upstairs. After he pushes himself into me more he passes out, actually passes out. If he wasn't in my hold, his head would have smacked against the floor. I open my door and put him on my bed, I stare down at him. His beanie that lays above his head from when I placed him down, his messy hair that falls over his eyes, his mouth parted a little, his eyes lightly closed, his right hand over his chest, his other laying at his side, and the tear streams down his cheeks. I just noticed his piercings too, along with the red mark on his face. I prop him up a little and take off his hoodie and shirt which are drenched, luckily he was awake enough to help. I grab a shirt from my closet, prop him up again and put him in it. I rub his cheeks, wiping the small rivers from his eyes away. I kiss his forehead then leave the room going back down to my parents.

"Is he okay?" Chance asked

"He's alright, I think he just passed out from stress and crying." I say grabbing water from the fridge.

"So what happened?" My brother asked.

"Well, he has been hiding from his parents. Not hiding from them, but hiding his true self from them. They are homophobic, racist, and just against anyone who isn't what they consider "normal". He told them, and the mark on his face says it all, they didn't appreciate it." I say getting myself even angrier the more I talk about it.

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