Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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Shanes POV still

We walk down the stairs and his parents and brother are watching TV.

"I think I should take him home now, it's late his parents are probably waiting for him." Zane says letting me go and his family walks over.

"That's to bad, we would love to have you over more. Thank you so much for coming over, it was wonderful having you." Sara says hugging me.

"It was wonderful being here, I look forward to coming over again. Thank you so much for everything." I break the hug and Will hugs me.

"No problem son, it was nice having you." Will says and backs away putting his hand over his wife's shoulder

"And remember what I said earlier." Sara reminds me and I nod

I say bye to Chance and Zane wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to the door. I thank them all again, then we leave out the door.

Zane and I talk, laugh, and joke all the way there. I don't remember when, but around the first half of the walk we start holding hands. I do have to say, I loved it. We start to get to know each other even more, and he's not a bad guy like people in the school might think. I mean, after those fights anyone would think he's a trouble maker. But really he's a teddy bear, a strong and hot teddy bear.

"So, why does all of your family have blonde hair and greenish blue eyes, and you have black hair and dark blue eyes?" I question confused.

"Well... they adopted me." He says catching me off guard.

"What?" I ask again

"They adopted me after..... something... happened. I can't say it right now, I'm sorry. Ever since it happened, it's been really hard for me. It's a reason why..." he stops for a minute, mostioning to the bandages I gave him earlier "that's there." He's referring to the cuts.

"I'm sorry I asked. I understand, you don't have to tell me at all. Sorry I mentioned it." I stammer it out, mentally cursing myself for being so awkward.

"It's fine, it is bound to happen at one point." He looks at me "Hey, don't be upset about it. You asked a question, it's fine. I want to tell you everything, it's just hard. I'm gonna get asked that question a lot more anyways, so it's okay." He says pulling me into a gentle hug then a light loving kiss.

Every time we kiss, it sends sparks through me, and I love it. I wrap my arms around his neck as he holds on to my waist, deepening it. We kiss for a minute, but then need to break for air.

"Man, I could do that forever." He says and bites on my neck.

I let it happen forgetting it was dark, forgetting we are on a sidewalk with a streetlight barely lighting us up, forgetting what my parents will say is they see what he leaves on my neck. I cant help but push myself to him as he goes to a different place on my neck. A few seconds later, reality kicks in and I turn my head a little.

"We- we're in public Zane." I mumble.

He pulls away from my neck and looks at it smirking, then smiles when he looks in my eyes. "Fine, plus it's late. Let's get you home before both of our parents flip out." He sighs and pulls me close as we walk.

We walk in silence the rest of the way, which wasn't far, but it was a nice calm silence. We get to my street and I put in the pin to the human size gate letting us in the street. I notice that Zane was looking, but I trust him and his family.  I pull up the hood and notice Zane looking at me questioning why.

"The neighbors all talk with each other, if they see me with a guy walking to my house they will tell my parents, and I can't be haven't parents thinking anything before I tell them. Please understand it's not that I don't want to be seen with you, because I really do, but I need to tell my parents before they find out themselves. Even if it means they disown me, which they most likely will, but I still have to tell them." I explain grabbing his hand and squeezing it before letting it go.

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