Chapter 21: (Part 2)

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Sammys P.O.V

So, this is my life now? My family and I living with my girlfriend, because my father is an alcoholic with anger issues? Sounds complicated, but I'm really lucky. Aparently, when my dad gets home my moms gonna call the cops, and have him arrested. Also, I guess shes gotten pictures and all of that of him being violent like this, so there's no way he wont be sent away for threatening our lives.

"Babe, come on. We're all gonna chill at the pool," my lovely girlfriend pulls the book down from my face.

"I dont know, I kinda just want to read."

"Do it at the pool, please."

"Nope, y'all gonna get my book wet"

"No, I promise we won't. Please, baby?"

I stare up at her, then sigh and put the bookmark in. "You are so lucky I love you. But, if you guys get my book wet or damage it you are buying me a new one."

She grins, then kisses my forehead. I slap her arm lightly, she laughs and backs up.

"Change, it's hot outside and your in a hoodie," she walks to the door. "Also, I think I'm gonna invite Shane and Zane."

"Alright, sounds fun, though I don't know if they will be able too."

"It's definitely worth a shot."

"Definitely," I fold the book shut and place it back down once I stand up. "Out so I can change."

She puts her hands up, then steps out the door, winking back at me as she shuts the door. I roll my eyes but smile. Okay, it's hot out. I could go with a swim suit Incase I do what to get in, but then my book will be left all alone. Okay, swimsuit with shorts and Gs T-shirt? Yes!

 Okay, swimsuit with shorts and Gs T-shirt? Yes!

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"Baby, are you done?"

"Yes, you're so impatient," I open the door.

"Stole my shirt?"

"Yup, think I'm gonna keep it."

"It's so loose though?"

"Exactly my point," I walk over to her queen bed to grab my book. "And I'm serious about you not getting my book wet. If you do I'm going to jump in and hit you."

"What's it about?"

"You are interested in a book I'm reading? That's new," I laugh as she glares softly.

"I'm allowed to be interested. You've only been reading it since you got here yesterday, and with your other books you wouldn't care if it got a little wet."

I walk back over, and hand her the amazingly perfect novel.

"It's about two gay teens that have superpowers, they find others like them. They are all born the same year and all have one major thing in common. They learn to use the power for god instead of seeing only bad in it."

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