Chapter 16: (Part 2)

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(Zanes work outfit!!)

"you sure you dont need any help? not with school work or anything?" i ask my brother, sitting next to him on the couch.

"im fine, Zane. really. im more worried about you than anything."

"that's coming from the guy with 2 casts." i laugh, but its more of a nervous laugh.

"im okay, are you okay?"

"i saw Shane today." i sigh, he nods. "we talked, i might just need to end it. she's blackmailing me, if she saw us together, shes flip."

"I've never seen you date anyone before, I've never seen you say you love anyone except family before, and I've never seen you so broken over someone except them." by them he means my bio parents.

"i know, but i have to get out of this fucked up mess i made by myself."

"but this isn't your fault, you haven't done anything wrong."

"that's what you think, and i love that you think that." i ruffle his hair. "i have to get ready for work."

"wait what? this late? you went to work earlier, you were gone all day." my mom jumps into the conversation hearing work.

"i got a part time, im working part time and full time, nothing big, trust me. I'll only be there about 3 hours. i should be home before 9, if not im with John." i make sure im clear about my details, it'd suck if they found out what im doing.

"okay, just be careful, it'll be dark by the time you get home, its even getting dark now. be safe walking, no going through the city, you're bound to get jumped if you down there in the dark." he puts her hands on my shoulders.

"yes mom, i know. ill be fine, Chance has seen what i can do, even if someone could possibly getme from behind,id know how to get em off." i smirk, knowing full well I've done it before.

"okay." she smiles, sending me off upstairs.

i go to my room, shutting and locking the door. sorry mom, but i lied. i don't think im making it on time tonight. i kick the box out from under my bed, i pick it up, placing the materials on my bed. and to think i almost threw this outfit away.

The way this works is I work for one guy, that guy we call Big Boss. You call him Boss or Big B if you're one of his favorites. I'm basically his personal servant, instead of him doing the dirtywork he has me do it. There's 3 others of me, I'm the youngest, and I'm his favorite. The 3 guys and I have met each other, but we didnt say each others names, yet they know im the youngest. One guy is a ginger, so we call him ginger, hes the oldest being 34. He hates my guts, but because im the favorite he doesnt do anything to me. They all know I'm 18, they know I can put up a good fucking fight, and they know I have fire in my gut. Thats why I'm the favorite, I always make sure the job is complete and I'm classy about it.

The Big Boss makes us wear a special outfit, so the people we are after know we are there serving him. A Black buttonup, Black jeans, Red tie, Red shoes, and a silver watch. He gives us a certain type of silver watch, it cant just be anything. He thought I was leaving for good, yet he still let me keep the watch. I went back to him, he didnt hesitate to hire me back, but he forced me to give him an explanation on why I quit.

When you guit from this type of work, you swear on everything you love that you don't tell people who you worked for or rat them out to the police, or your life is over when they find out. That's why I don't tell people mostly, but I'm also afraid they will see me as a monster.

Big B has people that pay him, to hire us, to get someone for them. If its a more dangerous job, like some gang, then all 4 of us go. If its a not so bad job, 1 of us goes. Normally that 1 person is me, but sometimes he'll send another person with me to sit in the background unless something happens to me.

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