Chapter 8: Running, Confronting, Going out.

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(Gonna be switching POV's like 3 times maybe so watch out for that.)

(Poorly edited, sorry, I was in a rush.)


"What"  he whispered.

"Do you wanna get out of here? we have gym together for 7th hour, you really wanna do that?" I whisper because of other people. If someone snitched we could be in trouble.

"No, but won't we be seen?"

"Not if we do this right," I tell him about it, how I know this will work if we do it right, and how it'll be good. "You still have 5 minutes to decide." I say looking at my watch.

(Anyone else think that kinda sounds like an episode thing? Like the game? 'Leave school with the bad boy' 50 gems or diamonds 'stay and suffer in Gym' free. I'm sorry that's what it reminded me off. )

"Okay..." he says looking down, "Okay..."


"Okay" I look down thinking. "Okay..."

This can go two ways, I can suffer in gym while I'm still kinda sore, or I can go with Zane and have fun but might get into trouble. He's only been here 4 days. How the hell did he get all this information?! That doesn't matter right now, I have 5 minutes to decide. I can get in trouble, or I can stay and be a good kid. Let's try something new.

I look up at him and nod, "I'll go with you".

"Are you sure?" He looks at me trying to find any sort of resistance. "I don't want to push you, it's your decision baby."

"Yes, I'm sure." I say honestly. Worst that could happen if we're caught is detention.

"Okay" he smiles and kisses me quickly. "Let's put my plan to action." He says grabbing my hand and we speed walk to the gym.

The bell already rung but the guys are still changing in the looker room. We just have to turn a few corners before we're there.

"It'll be okay, I promise." He whispers reassuring me.

I nod and we make it to the gym. We get in our spots on the opposite side of each other and we get stares. Finally everyone is in place and roll call begins, and luckily we were the only guys not in uniform. He starts at the end of Zane's line, then stops at Zane.

"Finally nice to meet you my boy, nice job beating up Ein. Looks like he gave you a nasty black eye. Sadly you have to sit out today because your not in the proper stuff." He shakes his head and presses present in the iPad.

Zane doesn't respond so he moves on and goes to me.

"Looks like your sitting out to today, that's not like you Shane. Come prepared."  He says and presses present in the iPad continuing down the line.

My anxiety starts kicking in and I just stare at Zane. He words 'it's okay, I promise' smiling slightly then drops it before anyone notices.  Before I know it  we are heading out to the field. Zane and I  stay against the wall on the opposite side of each other and wait for the right time. I slowly make my way over to him, he's on the closest side of the the parking lot near my truck.

"There's doing the stretches, it's to risky to leave right now," he says quietly to me holding my hand making my heart stop racing. "We'll ditch 2 minutes into them playing. It's football, there's a lot of fighting for the ball, and running. No ones gonna notice us leaving. And I saw him send in the form so now he can't look back to see if we were there, and no one else heard him telling us to sit out because they were all talking. So far so good."

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