Chapter 2 (Part 1): Another Fight And A Kiss

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Zanes outfit above!


Zanes POV!

Damn it! All through the night I was thinking of that boy again, I barely slept because of it. Then again I'm used to all nighters and staying up till 3 in the morning, BUT STILL. How the hell am I actually gonna be able to focus on something other than him?! That was already hard to do yesterday, running into him again today will make things worse!

I even had a dream about him! Why? I cant stop thinking about him, think about being a dick wasnt the best desition. Hell, I'm thinking about him now! Ugh, this is a load of shit! I needs stop thinking about this! Whats more important right now? thinking about some boy, or think about getting to school and lasting the day?

"I still can't believe you already got in two fights..." my brother shakes his head.

"I'm used to it." I shrug and his eyes go wide.

"That's a bad thing, you shouldn't be used to getting into fights."

"Okay, let me rephrase that. I'm used to defending myself and other people, not exactly getting into fights. I normally let them have the first hit, but I also loose my patience and sometimes throw the first hit. But that's only if they are charging me."

"Wait till mom and dad find out..." he sighs.

"I could care less honestly, I was defending myself and someone else. They will understand, I know dad will."

"You didn't have to almost break someone's nose though, your lucky you also didn't break his arm!"

"All well, they should leave people alone now if they are smart. Sadly they don't look that smart though."

"We both know they will be back, they didn't look like giving up. I also heard that they are all on the football team, so them getting beat by a new kid will hurt their pride till they can get back at you."

"All well, I'll just show them again till they leave me alone."

"I think it's best if you let them win, they might actually leave you alone then. If the don't, just go full black belt on them." He says rinsing his plate and I roll my eyes.

"I'd be sending someone to the hospital if I do that. I'll let them throw the first few punches, then I'll do some street moves. Okay?"

"Gavin won't like that."

"Gavin doesn't have to know."

"Whatever," he sighs putting his plate in the dishwasher turning back to get mine. "Just don't get yourself in that much trouble again. I don't want to be 'the Badboy's brother', I'd rather be just your brother."

"Ehh, you're sill my brother, it doesn't matter if I'm labeled. People might actually not mess with you because they will know about my fights, so that's probably to your advantage; though you can protect yourself." I say as my brother and I run upstairs to brush our teeth.

"I guess your right, let's hurry or we'll be late." He looks at his watch.


Thankfully Chances locker and mine are just a few away from each other, so we just talk the whole way, of course getting stared at by other people. I guess we might be the talk of the school, I can tell.

"Be careful, he might explode on you next time." I see a girl talking to another football player while looking at me with worry.

"Nah, he doesn't have a reason. Don't be an ass to someone and they wont be back. Ein and his stupid gang were being dicks." He says, then gets smacked on the back of the head by another guy.

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