Chapter 9: Gay bar, Hangover, School

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*Keeping the time at the bar an extra for when the story gets sad*

*Basically, they had fun and partied. Got a drive home from John."


"NUMB ANGELS," I hear exiting a large stage.

"Yo, that was sick man! Those girls were screaming for you!" John says too Ethan, all the while fist bumping Shane and I.

"Watch out for the girls back stage, some might try to flirt with you guys again." John warned us walking back stage.

I set down the guitar and look over at Shane, I smile sadly and kiss the top of his head before we walk back stage. There's immediately screaming and yelling making me flinch smiling.





And with that we all start signing papers, posters, cards, phone cases, shirts, I even signed someone's forehead making me laugh.

"Is it true you and Shane dated in high school?" That's a question making me shocked.

I look over at the others and they shrug, but when I see Shane shrug I can see the sadness he hides in his eyes making me frown. I turn back to the fan girl and put on a fake smile signing her poster.

"No, we didn't. We are all straight here." I flash my million dollar grin making her blush.

"I saw you guys together a lot in high school, but's it's true. They weren't together, him and I were." And with that the fans were silent.

"Jacklyn..." I say shocked seeing her.

"Hello again, when I saw  you actually were in a band I HAD to see! What happened?" She points at my hands. "No more drumming?"

I show my hands showing no scares. "A few broke bones didn't stop me. I think it's time you left, don't you?" I glare at her as she steps under the wire.

"I just wanted to say hi to my 2 favorite boys!" She smirks walking over to Shane putting more pressure on her heals so they click louder.

"Why are you doing this!" I ask after grabbing her arm, pulling her away from the crowd.

"WHY?! Because you owe me! I got suspended because of you! No college, no fun, no fame, all because of you!!"

"For a reason! Because your insane!" I yell back and see security walking over.

"Hold it boys, I'm just trying to talk with my boyfriend here."

"We aren't together, you blackmailed me, you hurt me and others! We never have and never will be together, now leave us alone! Take her away!" I say going back to Shane.

"Don't forget baby, you still owe me." She says walking away before the bodyguards can grab her. They still follow after her, I'm thankful for that.

I'm boiling, Shane has to hold me back from punching a wall or smashing something in.

"Calm down, calm down. The bands gonna be in a lot of trouble with the media if you go back to your old way." Shane says holding back my arm patting my back.

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