Chapter 18: Saturday Night...

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I feel arms wrap around my waist, I smile and grab the arms at my waist. I turn around in the arms, engulfing the figure before me.

"You feeling better?" I kiss the top of Shane's head.

"Mhmm, what you gonna make?"

"For them it's lunch, for us it's brunch." I laugh and he lets go of me so I can turn to the island again.

"Did you tell your mom?"

"Mhmm, let's say she not so happy with me, but she understands. She's trying to help us out, but she also told my dad while he's on his lunch break."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"You might think so, but in your mind it's not considered 'wrong' to get people help. I was programmed like that ever since my parents passed and I was left on my own."

"But you aren't alone anymore, and you have people who care about you. You have people that need your help, and you have people who will help you no matter what. Stop fucking thinking you have to do everything alone, you're going to get hurt by it." He speaks up making me shocked for a second. I set down the knife in my hands from cutting apples.

"Baby, Shane." I turn and pull him into my arms. "Thank you," I lean my head into his shoulder. "But what if having people help me not get hurt gets them hurt? I can't do that again."

"Too bad." He says sternly making me grin.

"You're so much more confident."

"Because I care" he pulls my head back, then brings me into a gentle soft kiss. I wrap my arms around his waist. "We are gonna get through this. Now it's my turn to keep that promise." He tells me once we break.

"Of course we are, my little Emo."


"Here, finish cutting these for me, will ya?" I motion to the apples on the cutting board.

"Mhmm" he hums and grabs the knife. "What you gonna make?"

"Nothing special, just a small something I learned a while ago." I say grabbing eggs out of the fridge. "My personal trainer taught me a few recipes, I even made up some recipes of my own back when I really was all alone."

"How long have you been cookin?"

"Not long really, I stopped once I was adopted, I really only took it up again about a year ago." I shrug. "You okay with over easy?"

"Mhmm, I don't mind."


"Are you making that thing you made on Thursday?" Chance asks from the living room.

"Yes I am, how'd you know?"

"I might not be over there, but I can still see all the stuff out. You need to teach me how to make that when I can actually walk and use my arms again."

"Of course."

"Shane, Zane actually is amazing at cooking. It's so shocking. You wouldn't think a guy like that would know how to cook." My brother say to Shane, and Shane just laughs.

"I'm not so sure about that, I kinda got the thought that he'd be a good cook."

"Really? How?"

"I don't know, just thought it. I'm not complaining though, I love a guy who can cook." I look back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"And why is that?" I ask him.

"Mostly because I can't cook anything for the life of me." He laughs and I nod chuckling.

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