Chapter 17: Birthday Suprise And Bar.

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(I'm gonna be going back to my days where my chapters were about even longer. This one has 6,000+ words for this chapter, so Be prepared.)

Shane: Friday.

"Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
Grab a brush and put a little
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?"

Thats what I make up too, honestly that is my schedule though, so I don't mind. A little jult in the morning never hurts.

I turn over and lower the volume, I'm 18. Thats a good thing right? I'm 18, free, right? Thats what people say, when you turn 18 it means you're basically an adult. And after highschool, your own your own for your own decisions.

Wrong. They're wrong. They think you're prepared for the world, but you arent. The world is so big, and it has so many mysteries, how can one be prepared for it? i only have 2 months leftof school, then its college. I'm still not ready, i don't know if i will ever be honestly.

"Shane~" Maddy yells coming into my room. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Thanks Maddy, its nothing big." i laugh sitting up

"Yes it is, you're considered an adult now."

"Not really, when I'm 20 yeah. This is the start to being an adult." I get up walking over. "But thank you." I hug her picking her up. "Lets go eat, 'kay?" I set her down and she nods running.

Her mental age is a little slower than her actual age. She might be 10 and the right size for her age, but she still has the mental age of an 7-8 year old. I love her, but dealing with it an be quiet annoying. That happens with a lot of kids her age, but really I don't mind. I kinda love it because I'm never lonely or bored. We go out a lot, like, a lot. She really likes to ridein the truck, of course I'm overly safe about it because kids her age shouldn't be in passenger.

"Shane, you have a package! And there's a note from uncle David." She yells from downstairs.

"what? Whats it say?" I ask through my door as I change.

"It says 'This showed up today, happy birthday son, love dad.'"

I open the door, and she hands me the note. i look over it again, then run down the stairs, her behind me.

"Oh, my guitar." It was supposed to come a fewdays ago, but there was a delay.

"You can open and put the strings on later, when you get home from school. i have to leave now, but Imade you some breakfast. go eat quickly, your're dropping Maddy off at school." My aunt kisses my forehead. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, ill cya at school."

Okay, good morning so far. I'm just praying the rest of today is good. I have a big day tomorrow anyways.


"Shane!" I hear the screaming Sammy behind me. next thing i know im on the floor and shes on my back.

"Sammy, off. I said no jumping." G pulls Sammy off of me and helps me up. "I told her before hand, i swear."

"I know, thanks."

"Happy birthday!" Sammy claps her hands grinning. "We're celebration after school."

"Cant, It came in the mail today so I'm putting it together, plus I have to prepare for tomorrow."

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