Chapter 20: 'Friendly' Visits

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I wake up, thanks to the sun in my eyes, with Shane sleeping on my left side. My left arm is wrapped around him, his legs tangled up with mine. I seriously couldn't think of a better morning. I try to lift my left arm, but groan when I feel how soar it is. I look over at the reason why, and see my left upper arm completely wrapped up to my shoulder from elbow.

I forgot, I got slashed yesterday, and needed stitches. I also told Shane about everything, and then his proposal was announced.

Oh yeah, that. Well, I'm glad we got it handled, because it seriously could've been so much worse.

"Babyboy." I whisper to Shane, turning my head to kiss his forehead. "Wake up baby."

He groans and puts his hand over my mouth. I chuckled and licked his finger over my mouth.

"Gross." He immediately takes his hand away and wipes it on his shirt. "Shut up, I wanna sleep."

"Sorry, suns already up. Looks about noon." I says and he opens his eyes fully to turn and look at the clock.

"Shit, your right." He sighs sitting up fully. He rubs his face then turns to look at me. "How's your arm?"

"Can't really tell. No pain, but soar." I say making him nod. He climbs on top of my lap, I look at him confused. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He lays down, his head on my chest. "I'm tired and cold, and your warm, now shush."

I laugh, grabbing the back of his head. "We are not staying in bed all day. It's Sunday, just be grateful your parents don't make you go to church or something."

"Yeah, I know. Just a minute," he moves his head, laying his chin on my chest as he looks up at me. "I'm just waking up, leave me alone."

"I've learned something's about you. 1) you are always cold, 2) you are always grumpy in the morning, and 3) you love to steal my stuff."

"Steal your stuff?"

"Mhmm. My hoodie, my shirts," I pick at the- my PTV T-shirt that he stole from my room one day when he was over. I allowed it because he looked adorable in it. "my heart." I wink and he turns red.

He shifts and sits up, back on my lap. He rolls his hips lightly, smirking.

God, this boy.

"Babe, stop. You aren't still drunk, are you?"

"Please, you definitely drank more than me." He says and I grab his thigh.

"Mhmm, sure." I say and he kisses me again. "You know." I push him away lightly. "You are more ballzy after last night on the couch."

"What can I say? You hypnotized me." He kisses me again. "I'm under your spell."


"Babe, stop, we really have to get up for the day." I laugh, bringing him back up to look at me.

He shakes his head, going back down to kissing my abs. I roll my eyes, I grab his arm, yanking him up towards me.

"I'm serious," I wrap my arm around his back, pushing his body into mine. His leg in between mine, his hands on my chest. What's gotten into you, horny or something?" I mock him from last night.


I laugh, pulling him into a hard kiss. "You," I break. "Are adorable." I grab his hip holding him up. "And even though I want this as much as you, we already did this same thing last night. Aren't you still tired?"

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