Chapter 15: Change

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Zanes POV

I've resorted back to my past, moneys getting rough, and I'm earning up for a car, and let alone driving lessons and test, so I need to and am gaining money quicker. And, I now have a higher risk of getting caught up with the cops. But that doesn't matter, what matters in my mind is getting at least all Cs and getting a drivers license and a car. Then, I'm getting the fuck outta here. Drivin' away for good, and I'm taking Shane with me.

I might have a full time job now, but I still need that "part time" at night. Speaking of my full time, I gotta job with Ethan now, so that's cool. What's not cool is my sucky payment and this sucky fake girlfriend. My fake girlfriend, showed up at my work; I look up slightly, pretending to be listening to her bullshit story, only to see my... ex(?) boyfriend.

"Ethan," I motion him over.

"I was talki-"

"Yeah I know. You can act this way in school, but you can also leave me alone in my personal life."

"Stop playin hard to get."

"I'm not playin anything. Ethan, you wanna help me in the back with somethin?"

"Mhmm, sure." He nods, his eyes darting off to Shane walking in.

I look back one more time, she sighs, then goes to the jewelry area and plays on her phone. Shane looks at me, smiles, and goes to the far end of the store. I sigh and turn back around and walk to the back. Once I'm in the back but can still see everything on the cameras I tell Ethan I need her to leave me alone, and he needs to tell her she's been here to long and her precious car is gonna get towed away. Or, just kick her plain out, i didnt give a shit, he just needed to help me get her out.

"Just wait a minute though, she's not gonna believe it if we walk out and immediately say she needs to leave."

"Nope, I've learned some stuff about her. When she feels like she's gonna be in trouble she gives up, unless there's a way she can get out immediately. Just just a stupid spoiled bitch."

"Alright, if you say so. Honestly, she's really annoying."

"Tell me about it. Shes stupidly clingy, and I don't care about clingy, but she's passed my boundary's. I seriously can't be alone anymore unless I go out drinking."

"Dude, come to mine more with Shane, we can all hang out like we used to before the bitch came along."

"Maybe, she better not follow me there too."

"Only time will tell."

"i guess so, alright. put on your theater face and lets go." i grab a box and walk out from the back. of course, as i thought this would happen. she is harrasing shane. i set the box down go around the counter and grab her sholder pulling her away a foot. "If you keep harrashing my customers im gonna kick you out, especally because you alone shouldnt be here."

"we had a deal, him being here is breaking it."

"he didnt know i worked here, not my fault he likes this store. hell, hes got good taste, this store is sick, thats why i work here. you dont like it, than leave. just dont harrass my customers."

"of course, you defend him."

"im not defending anyone, im just stating facts."

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