Prologue (Edited)

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(Edited Version)

I ran past tree after tree, not stopping to catch my breath.

'I have to escape,' I thought desperately, looking around in wild fear.

I kept on running and running; My lungs were screaming for air and my eyesight was getting blurry from exhaustion. But I couldn't stop running.

If I did, I would be killed by the horror chasing me now.

'I don't want to die!' My mind screamed in panic. 'Please, I want to live! I didn't escape my village to just die in the middle of nowhere. . .'

The forest that surrounded me was dark and the glittering moon was visible through the branches of the tall trees. It was beautiful and spooky at the same time, but I didn't have time to observe the scenery.

Suddenly, I tripped on a rock embedded in the ground and sprawled on the ground. My long hair obscured my view, and my legs were aching. But, I quickly got up, brushing away the hair out of my face, and continued running, ignoring my bruised legs and the knee section of my pants that started soaking with blood.

'I can't stop now . . . I can't . . .'

Suddenly, her laughter echoed behind me, making me run faster and faster while trying not to hobble in pain. My legs muscles were aching, but I pushed them even harder.

'I . . . have to . . . keep on . . . running!' I thought to myself desperately. 'I . . . have . . . to!'

Streams of sweat trickled into my eyes, making them sting. Wiping them with my tunic as quickly as possible, I tried not to accidentally smash into a tree.

But, I stumbled and fell, again. But this time, I fell down on a steep and rocky riverbank. I rolled and rolled downwards, pain exploding from every part of my body until I splashed into a deep river.

The cold water hit me like thunder, and, as the water touched the wounds that I'd received from my first fall and the roll on the rocky riverbank, I felt as if I were getting bitten on every part of my body.

Desperately swimming through the current, I tried not to go under and drown. Gasping for breath, I engulfed river water, forcing me to choke when it clogged my throat. But, I forced myself to continue swimming toward the other side of the river.

'I can make it!' I thought, pushing the river water with my hands as hard as I could. Then my hand grasped the dry and rocky riverbank. With all my strength, I pulled myself onto a small boulder, inhaling air as fast as I could while coughing all at once. I lay on the rock, my face facing the surface of the boulder.

My body was drenched with water and I was out of breath, but I'd escaped. I'd escaped from her!

Or so I'd thought.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the dim moonlight shining onto me.

I froze.

Then, starting to tremble in fear, my heart started pounding quickly, and my eyes grew wide in terror.

I slowly looked up.

A figure was towering over me, her slender and shadowy outline making me tremble with fear even more. Her fox-like ears looked like horns, her evil and seductive smile widening on her face, her nine tails unfurling out from behind her, and her golden eyes glowing maliciously like the eyes of a monster.

"Play time's over," she said in a seductive and playful voice. Then she started to laugh softly, which sent shivers down my spine.

'No .. .' Myheart started to fill with despair, my eyes welling up with tears of fear andfrustration. 'It's not fair . . . Ididn't escape my life to end like . . . this . . .'


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Have a great day! :)

(Old Version)

I ran past tree after tree, not stopping to catch my breath.

I have to escape, I thought, while looking around wildly.

I kept on running and running. My lungs were screaming for air, and my eyesight was getting blurry from exhaustion. I couldn't stop running, because I didn't want to die.

I don't want to die! My mind screamed in panic, please, I want to live!

The forest that was surrounding me was dark, and I could make out the glittering moon through the branches of the tall trees. It was beautiful and spooky at the same time, but I didn't have time to observe the scenery.

Suddenly, I tripped on a rock that was embedded in the ground, and I fell down. I quickly got up and continued running, ignoring my bruised legs and the knee section of my pants, which started to soak with blood.

I can't stop now. I can't stop now!

Then I thought I heard her laughter from behind me. It made me run faster and faster while trying not to hobble. My legs muscles were aching, but I pushed them even harder.

I . . . have to . . . keep on . . . running! I thought to myself desperately. I . . . have . . . to!

Streams of sweat trickled into my eyes, making them sting. I wiped them with my tunic as quickly as possible, while trying not to smash into a tree.

Then I stumbled and fell again. But this time, I fell down a steep and rocky river bank. I rolled and rolled downwards, pain exploding from every part of my body until I splashed into a deep river.

Cold water hit me like thunder. As the water started to touch the wounds that I'd received from rolling downwards, I felt as if I was getting bitten from every part of my body.

I desperately swam through the current, trying not to go under and drown. I gasped for breath and inhaled river water. I coughed when water clogged my throat, but I continued to swim toward the other side of the water.

I can make it! I thought while pushing the river water with my hands as hard as I can. Then my hand grasped the dry and rocky riverbank. With all my strength, I pulled myself onto a small boulder. I inhaled air as fast as I could while coughing at the same time. I lay on the rock, my face facing the surface of the boulder. I was drenched with water and out of breath. But I'd escaped. I'd escaped from her!

Or so I'd thought.

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the dim moonlight which was shining onto me.

I froze.

Then, I started to tremble in fear. My heart started to pound quickly, and my eyes grew wide in terror.

I slowly looked up.

I saw a figure towering over me, her slender and shadowy outline making me tremble with fear even more. Her fox-like ears looked like horns, and an evil and seductive smile was widening on her face. Her nine tails unfurled out from behind her, and her golden eyes glinted maliciously in the moonlight.

"Play time's over," she said in a seductive, playful voice. Then she started to laugh softly, which sent shivers down my spine.

I'm dead . . . I thought, while my heart started to fill with despair. Then it started to fill with sadness. It's not fair . . . I didn't escape my life to end up like . . . this . . .

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