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Stephen was told he had Sunday off but he declined, the opportunity to see past friends at work at survivor series was something he wasn't going to pass up. As soon as he arrived backstage he began looking for familiar faces but it was a familiar face that found him. "Well if it isn't the Glasgow warrior himself " Stephen recognised that Irish accent as he turned round and caught as always the smiling finn balor they didn't care if anyone saw them and hugged it out right away. "Man your goofy little smile is definitely a welcoming presence it's really good to see you buddy" Stephen said he usually hung out with finn aj and the club when they weren't occupied with work but it had been a while they'd seen each other since they had a busy few months on there respective brand but it was as if they'd seen each other yesterday. As they spoke finn showed him around the backstage area to try and help him get used too it. " and this is catering" finn said as they arrived at catering and instantly locked eyes on his buddy Seth Rollins finn thought it would be a good idea to introduce the two men. " Seth this is my good friend Stephen Taylor he's just been moved up" " I know who he is finn I'm a great admirer of your work Taylor I hope to see you on raw we'd do great things together but right now I've gotta run I'm up next with shinsuke." Seth and Stephen shook hand as he was walking away Seth told finn to give Stephen his number and they'd hang out some point soon. As Finn and Stephen were deep in conversation Stephen soon became distracted by a women approaching them he instantly recognised that bright orange hair  it was the smackdown women's champion Becky Lynch or as she was now known as the Man. Finn noticed Stephens distraction and began clicking his fingers to get him out of the trance. " dude you okay ? Hello Stephen?." Finn finally turned around and realised who had caught his gaze. Becky approached both men and instantly hugged finn. "Fergal! It's been a while how are ya?" Becky said hearing her Irish accent in person dazed Stephen even more. " yeah I'm grand becks I'd like you to meet my friend Stephen Taylor he's just been called up from nxt he is to steal a quote from Paul heyman the next big thing." Becky turned to Stephen who had a smile on his face Becky noticed this and done everything in her power to stop her self smiling back at him "hold it together bex remember what you've been through don't give anyone but your friends anything" she thought too herself. Her  friendly and kind demeanour had instantly been replaced With a cold and distant one. "Hey how are ya" she said to Stephen instantly knocking him out of his daze she was the lass kicker to Finn but the man too Stephen he also couldn't help but notice the bruising and swelling she had on her face he watched the encounter she had with nia jax and winced just from seeing it on tv it looked painful. "Listen fergal ive gotta run I have things to attend too I'll catch you after good luck tonight." She finished talking and hugged fergal she just looked Stephen up and down and went on her way. " what was that ?" Stephen asked shocked by the difference in character she showed both men. " ah that's just bex now ever since she thought Charlotte stole her opportunity at summerslam she's been smart on who she let's in her inner circle she's been let down a lot and I think she's finally had enough of it give her time I'm sure she'll love you." Finn winked at Stephen. " I gotta go too but enjoy the show and maybe we will catch up later." The two men hugged and Finn was on his way Stephen was back in his trance about Becky  Finns  words about her  were left lingering in Stephens head Becky in generally was left lingering in his head he'd never felt this feeling before and couldn't figure out what it was had he developed a soft spot for Becky Lynch? was he Interested in her ? He didn't know this was an unfamiliar situation for him ever since he was eighteen he had thrown himself into his passion he'd been with women before but he'd never experienced anything serious because he focused purely on wrestling and told himself he couldn't give any girl the time and effort needed in a relationship but too him Becky seemed different.  For  the rest of the night he tried to forget about it and see if it would just go away he was glad in a way she didn't have a match it was hard enough getting her out of his head without having to watch her wrestle but he also felt bad for her he'd watched smackdown constantly and for a lot of people she'd become the star of the show she deserved to be wrestling tonight after all the hard work she'd put into this. He  sat and watched the rest of the show which he throughly enjoyed cause he knew soon he'd be mixing it up with some of these men and he couldn't wait.

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