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Tuesday April 2nd 2019

Becky's pov
I woke up early like usual Stephen wriggled around like crazy last night the poor guy. Yesterday wasn't an easy day for him but he was with me the rest of the week so I would make sure it's better than Monday. I looked over to my right in bed where he lay with his back too me I reached over and gave him a quick gentle kiss on top of his head before carefully getting out of the bed not wanting to disturb him. I grabbed one of his shirts and threw it on before making my way too the seats. I grabbed my phone and checked Twitter where I saw the news headline about Stephens outburst at the radio interview I read through the comments which were unanimously supporting Stephen. I let out a sigh of relief. After a quick look through the rest of Twitter I heard a yawn and looked up at the doorway to see Stephen standing there still half asleep rubbing at his eyes. He quickly made his way over too me and laid down on the sofa with his head rested on my lap. "How're you feeling today big guy?" It took a minute before he finally replied "meh" even though he only gave a one word answer that was enough to hear the tone of his voice which sounded lifeless today. "Nice shirt" he said knocking me out of my thoughts I chuckled at his sarcastic comment " fits me well doesn't it" I placed my hand in his already messy hair and ruffled it even more he let out a groan to signal for me to stop which I laughed at. "Are you looking forward too the signing today ?" I asked him hoping it would make him feel better. "Today And tomorrow are your signings only axess is a joint one. I'm just tagging along. Maybe the radio host was right I am just riding off your coattails." He sat up and leaned back against the couch looking frustrated. I rested my head on his shoulder " the fans don't know you're coming love I guarantee they'll be surprised and excited too see you too" I looked up and he had a little smile on his face which made me happy. "I hope so becks. Thank you for last night you're honestly too good too me" I gave him a quick kiss "I just want you to be happy big guy. Now go shower because you smell" we both laughed and off he went.

*two hours later*

Stephens pov
We were in the car and had just arrived at Becky's signing. She must've known I was still having a rough day because she hadn't let go of my hand ever since we left our hotel room she gave it a reassuring squeeze and gave me a quick kiss before exiting the car which received a really loud cheer from her fans she gave them a quick wave before reaching into the car for my hand and pulling me out the fans got even louder at the sight of me which made me smile even more Becky noticed this. We were a couple hours into the signing some fans asked for me to be in the photo with them some asked me to take the photos I didn't mind either way I'm always happy to help fans out. It was time for the next fan and I locked eyes with a familiar face as she ran right towards me and wrapped her little arms around my legs it was the little girl me and aj met after smackdown who drew Becky. I quickly picked her up and gave her a hug. "Hey little one it's good too see you again" last time we met she was shy but I was happy to see she was past that phase with me. Becky approached us with the happiest smile on her face at the sight in front of her. "Are you going to introduce me to this cute little girl Stephen?" The girl lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at Becky and held her arms out for Becky to take hold of her. "This Becky is the little girl who drew that amazing picture for you" Becky gasped and wrapped her up in a tight hug the sight of Becky and this little girl hugging just reminded me how happy and grateful I was for everything in my life right now. I approached the two of them and interrupted there hug. "You know I never got your name little one" "it's Mia" Stephen and Becky looked up at the man in front of them who i recognised instantly as her dad. I quickly approached him and shook his hand as we left Becky and Mia to chat "it's really good too see you two again. I've been having a bad couple days and seeing Mia again has really cheered me up so thank you" "when she heard Becky was doing a signing nearby she begged me to bring her for a chance to meet her finally and I'm glad we did she looks to be having fun" myself and Mia's father both looked over at the little girl and my Irish lass kicker as they looked to be having the time of there life laughing away with each other. The four of us took a picture before it was time for her and her dad to finally get away she gave myself and Becky hugs for as long as she could before it was finally time to depart.
The couple looked around the store to see that they were the last fans to meet so they headed off back to there hotel room.

Becky's pov
Ever since Stephen saw Mia again his mood has been incredible positive compared too the one he was in when he left I was so happy to see him smiling again. Before heading back too the hotel we stopped for some food before arriving back at our hotel late. After freshening up in the bathroom I joined Stephen in bed where he signalled for me to take up my usual position on his chest. I looked up at his smiling face before finally opening mouth. "Someone's feeling a lot better then ?" He looked down at me and it was if that smile was stuck on his face. "Yeah it was really good seeing her again she's a great kid. You were great with her becks you're gonna make a great mother some day" his words shocked me in a good way and I instantly planted my lips on his passionately. "And we will make great parents some day big guy" he kissed my forehead before we both relaxed into each other and nodded off into a deep sleep.

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