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A few weeks had past and it was now TLC Stephen and Becky had been getting closer and closer but remained friends Stephen finally decided tonight was Going to be the night he'd tell her how he felt about her he decided it would be a good idea if he waited until after her triple threat TLC match with Charlotte and askua before telling her he knew tonight was a really big night for her and he didn't want to get in the way of that or give her any distractions before her big night. Besides he had his own match to deal with for weeks Stephen and Randy had been feuding and going back and forth and it had been quite barbaric from Randy he was back to his old twisted and sick self and tonight they'd settle things in a chairs match Stephen had been in far worse match stipulations but not many wrestlers could compare to Randy orton and his sick mind games. Stephen had arrived at the arena like usual with aj but he hadn't seen Becky all day not even at the hotel which he thought was strange but he shrugged it off and he just believed she was preparing for the biggest match of her career so far. After preparing in the locker room and getting in the zone Stephen got the familiar knock on his door to let him know it was go time.
*20 minutes later* AND YOUR WINNER STEPHEN TAYLOR. Stephen struggled too his feet as the ref raised his hand it was only twenty minutes but it felt like forever with Randy orton just like it was billed it turned out to be a brutal and barbaric match Stephen got busted open by an accidental shot too the head but other than being exhausted he felt fine. He made his way back too his locker room ready to watch Becky retain her title and finally confront her about his feelings. *THIRTY MINUTES LATER*
The match was over and Stephen had his heads in his hands and couldn't believe what happened he was devastated for Becky she'd just lost her title after Ronda rousey interfered she'd worked so hard to just lose her title like that. Stephen was already changed so decided to find Becky who he found leaning over a box frustrated. "Hey becks im really sorry for what happened out there" Becky turned around and immediately just wrapped her arms around him. He could tell she just wanted some comfort right now and Stephen wasn't going to deny her that right now after what had just happened too her. A few minutes after the hug broke apart Becky looked at the stitches on his forehead and started tracing her finger back and forward on it with the rest of her hand on his cheek. "Randy really did a number on you newbie but don't worry you've still got those good look" she says smiling and staring deep into his eyes. he decided now was the time. "Listen Becky I uh there's something I wanna tell you" before he continued Becky cut him off. "Before you start there's something you should know I haven't been avoiding you or anything today I've been in meetings most of the day with triple h and management and it's been decided I'm moving too raw to keep this feud with Ronda going I'll be moving over after I make sure I win the royal rumble match but I'm off tv until then to build up the suspense so I'm not sure when we will see each other again". Stephens heart shattered hearing the news he was happy she was getting all these opportunities but what did this mean for them. "So what were you going to say" Becky says smiling slightly again." Stephen opens his mouth a few times with no words coming out before finally replying"I just wanted to let you know your match was amazing and despite the outcome I'm honestly really proud of you" Stephen stood there praying and hoping she'll buy it. " thanks newbie that means a lot coming from you. You know these last few weeks have been amazing and I want to thank you for everything hopefully we will see each other soon" Becky wraps her arms around Stephens waist while he puts his around her neck and they stand there for what seems like hours hugging he didn't want too let her go but knew he had too after a while they finally broke it off and parted ways. As she left Stephen couldn't help feeling devastated and a single tear manages to escape his eye and make its way down his cheek as he heads towards the parking lot ready to leave a heartbroken and devastated man.

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