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Stephens pov
As I walked through the curtain with my face already bloodied again  I seen vince get up from his seat and walk towards me before he could say anything I put my hand up  to motion too him to stay quiet. "Save it vince nothing you can say can make me any less pissed off than I am. Now  if you'll excuse me I've got an injured woman who needs me right now and not you or anyone else will keep me from her" "at least get that wound tended too kid and give Becky my best" "whatever vince" Stephen pushed past vince and headed too his locker to change. Stephen made it too the hospital late at night he saw bayley and Sasha sitting in the waiting room with a shocked look on there face when they seen him "what the hell happened too your face dude?" " triple h bayley" bayley and Sasha both looked at each other with a shocked look on there faces "again ??that's horrible we are sorry for this Stephen you don't deserve this" bayley and Sasha both hugged Stephen as gently as they could as he was still sore from the match no matter how gentle they tried to be Stephen still winced he was in a lot of pain and refused to be taken too hospital himself he had to make sure Becky was okay. "thanks guys but right now he's the last   of my worries how's becks doing??" "She's asleep in her room waiting for test results tomorrow her rooms just down there me and Sasha are going to go back  too the hotel and sleep it's been a long night but keep us posted please" "will do guys thanks for this" Stephen hobbled his way to Becky's room as he entered he saw her fast asleep she looked very peaceful considering all the pain she was in not too long ago. Stephen sat down in the chair next too her bed and took her hand. After a few minutes Becky began to wake up again "hey big guy what happened too your face" she moved towards him slightly and started rubbing the stitches on his forehead. "Triple h becks" Stephen couldn't tell if the look on her face was anger or shock "how could he do this too you again after everything you've been" before she could finish her sentence she moved her knee slightly and began yelling out in pain "easy there becks calm down let's deal with this knee first. Now cmon get some rest" the next day Becky got the all clear to go home but she had to rest her knee for a few weeks she was just happy to be told she wouldn't be missing wrestlemania she had to have a knee brace  on  at all times which was going to make workouts a little more difficult. Stephen wanted to drop Becky off at the hotel but she refused to let him go too raw alone she'd seen his match from last night and seen the assault triple h had conducted on Stephen there was no way she'd let him anywhere near him alone. The show had already begun when they arrived and of course triple h was in the ring speaking Stephen sprinted too the curtain to confront his former mentor once and for all.

Triple h pov
"I told you all Stephen Taylor wasn't isn't and never will be best for business as long as I have a say in it . Last night I had to take matters  into my own hands again. I'm in control I decide who's going to be taking this company too the next level and it certainly isn't going to be him" as triple h finished his sentence Stephens music hits and the crowd go wild normally Stephen would play too the fans but tonight was pure business. As  he hobbled his way too the ring a group of security guards stopped in front of the ring so he couldn't enter. "Typical hunter you say all this crap now but in nxt you were my biggest supporter you were like a father figure for me hunter I placed my trust and my future in your hands and when you hit me with that hammer at the rumble and elimination chamber you smashed it too pieces. And now I don't care how I don't care when and where but I promise you and everyone here witnessing this today I will get my hands on you hunter I am going to make your life a living nightmare and what you did too me at the rumble and last night  will look like child's play compared too what I'm going to do too you" Stephen drops the microphone and the crowd goes wild with cheers. Triple h couldn't help but laugh "that's some pretty big words for someone who has no Pull around here kid I'm in charge I decide who's facing who and me and you that's never ever going to happen. Oh and by the way how's Becky Lynch doing ? Nia didn't hurt her too bad did she" triple h drops his microphone and laughs it was at that point Stephen realised  nia's attack on Becky was no accident. And at that moment Stephen lunged towards the ring trying to get through the security guards. Triple h had security escort Stephen and Becky out the arena. Stephen was pissed off Becky wrapped  her arms around him to try and calm him. "I'm going to get him back for this Becky I swear to god messing with me is one thing but messing with my girlfriends career who has nothing to do with this  issue  that is crossing the line" "it's okay big guy relax cmon let's go catch our flight and get home we both need some recovery time it's been a long weekend" once Becky removed her arms from around him they shared a quick kiss and headed off home.

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