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It was the week before royal rumble Stephen was entering it and he couldn't be more exited it was the biggest match in wwe and he was determined to win it. He hadn't seen Becky since TLC she'd gone silent like she was supposed to to build the suspense for the rumble. aj had said that he looked like a lost puppy walking around smackdown without her. Stephen would just roll his eyes but he knew aj was right he missed Becky and he never got the chance too tell her how he felt and he wasn't sure when he'd get that chance again now they'd be on different brands. There was a lot of speculation from fans about the two after seeing the two together on Becky's livestream Stephen and Becky  didn't notice at the time but in the video you could see them holding hands and obviously too them it was just an innocent thing so Becky could help him skate but the fans didn't know that none of  the two of them commented  on the gossip they just let them go with it. Smack down was over Stephen was booked in a brawl involving  all the smackdown rumble participants to close the show. As aj and Stephen were driving away Stephen noticed a man and his daughter holding something and waving at the car Stephen told aj to stop and Stephen rolled down his window to greet the two. The little girl was wearing one of Becky's the man shirts which Stephen found adorable "hey what can I do for you two?" Stephen asks as he gets out the car and bends down to eye level with the little girl she looks at him and Stephen can tell she's quite shy and nervous. "Hey don't be shy it's only me would you like an autograph little one? " she perks up and smile at him nodding her head and hands him a piece of paper "I love your shirt by the way it suits you and you couldn't have chosen a better one" Stephen says and after signing the paper he lifts the girl up and gets a photo with her. As he puts her down she opens her mouth to finally speak and hands him something "could you give this too Becky please I drew it for her" Stephen opens the paper and sees the drawing of Becky "this looks Awesome you're very talented I will definitely make sure to give her this for you whenever I see her okay?" Stephen says with a smile this is one of the best things about the job for him making the kids and fans day he knows it only takes a minute or two to sign things or take pictures and he knows how much it means too them so whenever someone asks him he happily obliges no matter what the situation is or how late it is he's always happy too interact with fans . "Is she your girlfriend?" The little girl asks with a cheeky smile and the question catches him off guard "she's uh a very special   person too me but no we are just friends  right now. But I'll let her know how you feel about it okay ?" Stephen gives the girl a quick cuddle and shakes the dads hand before waving goodbye in the car. "Man that was something out there dude. Special friends huh?" Aj asks smirking. Stephen doesn't even reply he's too lost in his own world remembering  the experience with the fan.

Hello me again just wanted to thank everyone that's read so far. The next couple chapters have been my favourite too write so far so I hope you enjoy because it's about to go down just you wait and see😉

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