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The alarm went off in Stephen and Becky's hotel room to wake them up Stephen scrunched up his face and quickly turned it off before getting back into bed which didn't last long because Becky threw a pillow at him "cmon love wakey wakey we've got a workout to go too" Stephen groaned acting like a child which got a laugh from Becky he's never been a morning person but Becky loved getting up early which Stephen was sickened by. "Five more minutes" "quit acting like a baby" Becky says throwing him out of bed. They both showered and ate and after there session at the gym took off for the arena for the live event. Stephen was still feeling uneasy after Sasha smirked at him yesterday but he decided not to tell Becky he'd heard a lot about Sasha she was just flirty and chatty she was also married so he had nothing too worry about right?. After arriving  Becky and Stephen left for there locker rooms to get ready for there respective matches Becky was facing mickie for the live events and Stephens tag match was opening the show. Live  events where just a place to have fun all you had to do was make sure the audience enjoyed and had a good time. Stephen rushed to get ready and met with Sasha and bayley at the curtain Sasha still had that smirk on her face which continued to make  him feel uneasy but her music hit and she left with bayley.
*15 minutes later* Stephen hit the PK on jinder and covered him for the win bayley and Sasha rushed in and hugged him to celebrate just as he was about to exit the ring bayleys music hit and bayley and Sasha grabbed him back into the ring they encouraged him to dance around with them but he was hesitant making a fool of himself in public wasn't his thing but Sasha and bayley encouraged the crowd to cheer for him he remembered  his thoughts earlier live events were just for fun so he joined in with bayley and Sasha as the crowd cheered along. After a few minutes they'd made there way backstage bayley left for catering leaving Stephen with Sasha which made him nervous. As they sat on the boxes the conversation became about his relationship. "So how're things with the man going ?" Sasha said she almost had a look of disgust on her face. "Great actually I'm happy with everything she's happy everything's good" as he was finishing his sentence Sasha placed a hand on his thigh which made Stephen jump. "Woah Sasha you can't be doing that." "And why not muscles" "you're married Sasha and I'm with Becky" "So why should she have all the fun?" "Because she's my girlfriend Sasha so stop" just as Stephen was turning away Sasha playfully fainted just as she was about to fall on the floor he caught her and placed his arms around her Sasha played along and cuddled into him" this is more like it muscles" before Stephen could put her down Becky appeared. "What the hell is this ???" "Becks wait no I can explain this please" "save it I thought you were different Stephen" Becky runs away tears in her eyes Stephen tries to chase after her but Sasha grabbed  his wrist. "Leave her she's over dramatic muscles" Stephen pulled his arms away from her grasp. "She has every right to be after seeing that crap why are you doing this." Before Sasha could answer Stephen sprinted away after Becky he couldn't leave it like this he had to explain the situation  too her. 

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