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Monday it was time for another raw lucky enough for them raw was  back in la tonight so they didn't need to get up early and catch a flight because the arena wasn't too far away from Stephens home. One they'd packed there gear and had a shower and quick bite too eat they packed the car and set off for the arena Becky usually drove when they were together she was more used too America than Stephen was but he was happy to be driving with someone else besides aj he loved aj like a brother after the time they spent together in Japan but it was nice having a more feminine  face. They sat in the silence during the drive it wasn't an awkward silence  it was a comfortable one. "Do you think triple h will be here tonight?" Becky says breaking the silence   while making quick glances at Stephen while also keeping her eyes on the road. "For his sake he better not last week was just the beginning." Becky acknowledged this and continued driving. Once they arrived at the arena they went too there separate locker rooms to get settled in before meeting up again to find out what was happening tonight and what they were booked for on the live shows this week. Stephen had a promo to kick off the show with kurt and Becky just had a match with mickie Ronda wasn't here tonight she was "nursing her injured arm"
Once the show began Stephen was stood at the gorilla position waiting for his cue to interrupt kurt. His music hit and he made his way too the ring keeping his serious demeanour whilst occasionally shaking hands with some fans. Once in the ring Stephen  picked up a microphone and looked kurt right in the eyes. "Kurt I'm sorry for this but I'm out here for one thing  only I want triple h kurt" "Listen Stephen I cant give you triple h it's not in my power. What I can give you is an opportunity. In two weeks we will be having our elimination chamber PPV and brock lesnar will be defending his title inside the chamber I am giving you the first challenger spot. I know it isn't triple h but it's the next best thing right." Stephen looked kurt straight in the eyes and got right in his face. "I guess the title  will have to do but I'll get my hands on triple h at some point kurt but this is a warning you're making a big mistake placing an angry animal inside a chamber of torture like that. The other five men in that match kurt there blood will be on yours and triple h's hand." Stephen dropped the microphone and headed backstage. For the rest of the night Stephen caught up with Finn and Seth he watched in catering as Becky won her match in five minutes and decided  to head too the curtain to congratulate her. On his walk there Stephen realised he still had no ideas what the plans were for the live shows he needed to find that out before leaving. After congratulating Becky and giving her a quick hug they sat on one of the production boxes and talked until they were interrupted by two loud voices shouting Becky's name. Just as he turned his head bright purple hair and a really tight ponytail zoomed right by his face and wrapped Becky in a hug it was Becky's fellow four horsewomen Sasha banks and bayley. "We've missed you so much becks why haven't we caught up" Sasha says while turning too Stephen. "Well hello muscles it's good to finally meet you I've heard a lot about you wrestling and personal wise" Sasha says with a smirk and extends her hand too him which he graciously accepts. "Any boyfriend of Becky's is a friend of ours" "thanks Sasha it's good too finally meet you" just as he's turning to greet bayley she wraps him in a tight hug "yeah how could I forget you're the hugger hi bayley" Stephen says chuckling "hello good to finally meet you" "now let go of my boyfriend bayley" Becky says giggling after the hug finished the four went to catering to chat and Stephen brought up the live events dilemma. "Oh haven't you heard about the plans?" Sasha says to Stephen which he shakes his head. "Well bayley is dealing with injuries so this week for live events it's going to be Alicia Fox and jinder mahal vs the team of the boss Sasha banks and mr muscles himself Stephen Taylor with bayley at ringside of course " "wow that's something " Stephen says chuckling "can't wait" Sasha says smirking at Stephen. What was that about ...?

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