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Saturday April 6th 2019

Hall of fame Ceremony the day of the year the wwe superstars and universe come together to celebrate  the careers of past legendary sports entertainers. It's a dream of every wwe superstar that competes in the wwe to one day end up in the prestigious hall of fame. Stephen has been and would be attending a lot of first time Evers this week and today was no different he was attending the hall of fame ceremony of course  with Becky. Just like axxess Stephen was excited but he also knew there was a chance of a confrontation with triple h who was being inducted into the hall of fame with D-X. Becky was also in a heated matchup with Ronda the duo had went back and forth on Twitter sending verbal jab after verbal jab to one another. The final raw before mania had ended with Becky and Ronda being separated by the women's division after a vicious brawl occurred after there Twitter exchanges got heated. It was now 11 am the couple had been up since Seven much to Stephens delight. Becky insisted getting up early to pick up her outfit and get her hair done for the hall of fame later. The couple were now sitting in a local cafe getting some breakfast and enjoying the little free time together that they would have over the next couple days. Becky finished her food and instantly placed both her hands on top of Stephens who was sitting across from her. "Are you excited for your first hall of fame tonight?" Stephen looked up at Becky with a huge grin on his face "does this smile say I'm not looking forward too tonight ? Cmon becks I can't wait I also can't wait to see you in that outfit tonight you're going to look straight fire" Becky rolled her eyes at her boyfriend but let out a little chuckle "I don't speak like that anymore I'm the man remember" Becky holds her arms up and flexes her muscles Stephen retaliates by squeezing them "ow easy big hands you want to squeeze something squeeze these boulder shoulder" Becky and Stephen erupted into a fit of laughter at there silly conversation. After the laugher died down Becky looked up at her boyfriend with a serious expression on her face. "Do you think anything's going to happen tonight between you and triple h big guy ?"
"I don't have a doubt in my mind. We know what he's like with his over inflated ego he's going to make this hall of fame speech about our match tomorrow night I just know it don't worry I'm not going to cause a scene I'll do all my talking in the cell." Becky gave Stephens hands a reassuring squeeze before he opened his mouth again "you do remember you're main eventing tomorrow night right ? You've been so busy trying to help me out you should be focusing on Ronda she's no joke Becky" Becky gave Stephen her best attempt at a reassuring smile but Stephen saw right through it and squeezed her hands "talk to me please If you're nervous or scared it doesn't matter what it is just let me know how you're feeling" Becky waited a moment before giving her response "I'm nervous Stephen this is the biggest match of my career on the biggest stage. All the pressure Is on me since I'm the more experienced of us after all the talk I've done about Charlotte being handed everything I have to deliver or else they won't trust me with such a big moment like this ever again. I'm sorry for rambling on I don't like sharing my vulnerable side that's why I hide behind the man character like when we first met I Instantly wanted to shake your hand or give you a hug cause that's what the old Becky would do but people would use my emotions and vulnerability against me that's how I became the man I was sick of people taking advantage of me and taking all the opportunities I've worked my ass off for the last 15 years." After releasing her last sentence Becky took a deep breath and looked back up at Stephen who had been taking in and listening carefully to every word she had to say he lifted up her hand that he was holding and planted a soft kiss on it "you've been here for me through my weak points the last few months and I'll happily be here to help you through any of yours. You have no idea how happy it makes me feel that you let me in despite issues you've had in the past. You're an incredible woman Rebecca Quinn an amazing role model to women and little girls around the world you deserve this opportunity more than anyone and I guarantee you are going to crush it" Becky used her free hand to quickly wipe away the tears from her eyes. "And when I'm done with triple h and you win that women's title I think it's only right that I go get a big red belt of my own to match my wonderful girlfriend" Stephen laid a quick kiss on Becky's lips "what did I do to deserve you Stephen" the couple laughed before they headed off back too there hotel room to get ready for the hall of fame tonight.
A few hours later Stephen is pacing back and forth in his and Becky's hotel room in his grey suit waiting patiently for Becky to finish getting ready in the bathroom. Eventually he sits on his side of the bed next too the bedside drawers  he searches through his bag and lifts out the velvet box which contains the engagement ring. Stephen stares at the shiny rock completely zoned out until he is interrupted. "What're you doing?" Stephen jumps up at the sound of Becky's voice and throws the ring box into his bag. He opened his mouth to reply but he can't he's laser focussed on Becky and her outfit. He opens his mouth again but can only stutter "I was just becks you look amazing" Becky flashes her usual smile and walks towards her boyfriend planting a kiss on his lips and taking hold of his two hands. "You don't look too bad yourself Stephen. Nice suit. You know you always wear black ring gear and now you've got a grey suit. You're not really into colours are you?" Becky chuckles. "I mean it would help if I could see colours properly becks" Becky looks up at Stephen with a confused look on her face "wait a minute you're telling me you can't see colours?" Stephen laughed at Becky's  question "not
Completely no. why else do you think I only wear black ring gear? Plus when I first met Sasha I had to ask finn what colour her hair was" the couple laughed. "So what else have you been keeping from me mr Taylor ?" "A lot probably but I'll share it with you Eventually . We've got a lot more years left" the couple kissed and finally headed off too the hall of fame ceremony.
When the couple arrived the arena was already busy and full of wwe superstars and there partners. Cathy Kelly instantly called the two over for an interview. "I am now being joined by the man Becky Lynch who will be main  eventing wrestlemania tomorrow night for the women's championship. And of course the Glasgow warrior himself Stephen Taylor  who faces triple h inside hell in a cell. Guys welcome you both look fantastic how're you feeling about tomorrow night let's start with you Becky" "I'm ready Cathy  I've spent 15 years preparing for this moment Ronnie isn't going to know what hits her tomorrow night." Just as Becky finished speaking they were interrupted by Ronda and her husband as Ronda and Becky stared each other down. Stephen instantly grabbed her to keep her away Ronda eventually left to go find her seat. "Anyway after that tense stare down It's good to see you guys here and together is this the official confirmation that the two of you are together." Becky and Stephen stared at each other and smiled before Stephen answered  for them "I think it's been pretty official   for a while we just never confirmed we let the fans squirm. But yeah the man and the Glasgow warrior are together and I say put us in the mixed match challenge next year team Laylor for the win" the trio laughed at Stephens comments before the couple headed off for there seats. "Laylor really?" Becky couldn't stop laughing "Yeah I know you're old becks but just to help you out it's our ship name" Becky slapped his arm and they headed for there seats.
It was now the end of the hall of fame ceremony the cameras had stopped rolling and D-X just finished there speech and left the stage all of them except one this was the moment Stephen was waiting for. Triple h stayed on the stage and took the microphone the arena was in complete  silence as they waited for his words. Becky instantly grabbed a hold of Stephens hand and squeezed as hard as she could he acknowledged this and squeezed back  but he never took his eyes off triple h. "Now that all the nice speeches are over I thought it was time for me to get this off my chest so where are you Taylor I want to look you in the eye as I tell you this" Stephens friends who were all sat around  him and Becky stared at him and tried to convince him to just stay seated. Stephen looked Becky in the eyes "it's okay it'll be okay" he gently kissed the back of her hand before he stood up and locked  eyes with his former mentor Stephen held his arms out to his sides "I'm right here hunter" triple h smirked "don't worry kid this isn't going to get physical I just want to give you one final warning before your day of reckoning tomorrow. I'll admit kid this isn't personal just business you need to know your place in this business and that place is standing at the back where nobody can see you. You think cause you've gained some fame in Japan wrestling in crappy little gym halls that you're  special ? News  flash kid you ain't we've seen your kind before and we will see it again when you're long gone. You don't deserve to be in the ring with me tomorrow night and I'm going to make sure you regret getting In that cell with me because tomorrow it's not going to be the Chief operating officer triple h. It's going to be the game triple h. I'll make sure your experience tomorrow night is life changing" triple h threw the microphone down and stared down Stephen.
Stephen tried to get at him but finn and Seth got up from sitting down behind him and grabbed him and told him too wait till tomorrow. It was all going to come to ahead tomorrow night.

Sorry for the long chapter but this is the penultimate chapter everyone next chapter is the big finale. Will Stephen finally get revenge on triple h ? Will Becky make history and not only win her first raw women's title but also the first ever women's wrestlemania main event. And will Becky accept Stephens proposal? You'll find out in the ending of Stephen and Becky's story 🤙🏼💚

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